Do Bamboo Shrimp Eat Daphnia? (Frozen)


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2013
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Also any other tips on caring for these cool guys and what they like etc. mine just sit on the driftwood by the filter outflow all day, filter feeding :)
Also any info on how to spot if they are ill, the colours they go etc.
No. They are filter feeders meaning they feed on teeny tiny particles in the water. They should never be added to an immature set up. They will feed from the floor if they can not filter feed, but this is not ideal. There is some debate whether color change is stress related, but I'm not sure how true this is. I've noticed when I kept mine that one of them was much more red than the others and blended in best with his piece of Malaysian driftwood while the other was more tan and hung out mostly on a lighter colored piece of wood, so I'm thinking that camoflauge has a lot to do with colors.

If you are worried about feeding them more than what they get from the water column, I hear that finely crushing some spirulina tablets or flake food for more protein can be beneficial, but I'm not positive if this is the best.
I have a very similar species of shrimp called a Riffle Shrimp, which is also a filter feeder, for mine I give the tank a sprinkle of first bites fry food every so often. The shrimp also get a mix of tropical fish flakes, various crumbles and mirco pellets, which seems to suit them fine.
Mine only ever leave the hidden safety of the large clump of java fern when I actually remove the fern and the log its attached to, but this is understandable since the java fern is situated in prime place in front of the HOB filters return, so the shrimp have lots of water movement around them and can filter the water that has just gone through the filter and pick up anything tasty that was missed.
I had one in an immature setup and it seemed to eat from the substrate.
It eventually died :(
My shrimp don't eat from the substrate and my tank is over a year old so that's good! Thanks for the info people

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