do apple snails


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
im thinkin about getting one for my 20 gal which has recently been redone and has some bogwood and all plants are live except for 2. will an apple snail eat on my plants or will the plants be safe from the apple snail. i have a dwarf water lilly, 3 apponogeton(sp), 3 cabmoboa, 1 grass type plant, 3 java fern, 1 frill plant, 3 baby amazon swords, and 3 red lugwigia. the tank mates are 1 rainbow shark, 1 blue gourami, 5 tiger barbs, a few ghost shrimp(im thinking about getting more of these too), 1 bamboo shrimp, and a couple pond snails.
mystery snails and apple snails are the same thing, just different common names. Check out that site and see if you can find a pic of what they are selling, there will be all the info you could ever need for them on there :)
i already knew that.....well i finally found some info on the mystery ones. it says they only eat healthy plants if no other food is available. my lfs always has zucinini in thier snail tank. can i drop in a piece over night and the snail will leave my plants alone?
Be carefull of which snail you buy.

If you get a Cana, then it will eat plants healthy or not, they are naturally plant eaters.

If you get a Brig, then it will not eat plants, only dieing ones if it is in need of food.

Good luck

depending which species but u can put som lettuce tyed to something to make it sink and the snail should stop eating ur plants
You can tell the type of apple snail by looking at the shell, you want a brig which has a shell that comes out to a point. Avoid cannas as they grow much larger and will strip plants to the stem the cannas have a flatter shell. Here is a good site to id them from obviously uk site so you can't buy them from here.

Hope this helps


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