Do Aiptasia Sting Sponges?


Aug 30, 2007
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I have a frag of blue sponge hitchhiking on a Xenia live rock.

I noticed the other day that half hidden under one edge of the sponge is something that looks suspiciously like a small Aiptasia.

Because of it's proximity to the sponge I was worried about treating it with the rock out of the water and also was wondering if any of the other treatments barring the Peppermint shrimp would harm the sponge. Also I think the Aiptasia might be too small to inject.

As the sponge seems to be in contact with the Aiptasia I was hoping that maybe it would grow right over it and smother it.

Bit of a long shot I know but does anyone know if a sponge is susceptable to Aiptasia stings?

I'm afraid the anenome would win everytime, and yes you would probably kill the sponge if you tried to treat out of the water. I would say the safest way to go about it is to use boiling water. You really need a syringe with what the call a crop neddle, or one of the fine extentions that come with some water test kits . This will insure that you hit the pest and not the sponge. As for worrying about getting it in the mouth, its not a problem Ive killed these using boiling water when they have been retracted into a hole. It may take a few goes but if you are carefull you should get away without hurting the sponge.
Ahh thought as much.
The tip with the boiling water sounds a good one though thanks Littleme, I'll give that a go (as long as manic the clown and curious shrimp stay out of way!) :good:
Have to say you would be better off using joes juice to get rid of apstasia, seems to work every time and is very easy to use.
Yes but it costs money, and why pay when you dont have to. Boiling water does the same job and is not harmfull to the tank contents in any way. 90% of the time they go down in one hit, its only if they are deep withing a rock that it may take a couple.
but dont forget with joes juice you get syring and aplicator to administer the juice, plus dont forget if you break the apstasia (using either method) it will reproduce, besides that with boiling water method you will still need to get hold of a syringe and there is a chance of damaging the spong thats close by,

there are also peolpe who will advocate injecting with lemon juice, while this may work (never tried this meathod so cant comment) its incredibly hard to hold the needle steady enough not to break a bit off causing reproduction.

there are also other meathods floating around on how to kill these things (please dont think i mean your meathod does not work) but in truth they are very hardy and difficult to erradicate once they start to spread, most people will advise joes juice as it will do no damage to anything else in your tank, its easy to use and all you need is in the box.

but point taken regarding the cost, and also there is no reason why if its not successful why you cant try again with a different meathod.
Both seem to be valid methods of getting rid of these pests and I know I will have to get some Joe's Juice in someday. As you say it is worth me trying with the boiling water first as I have nothing to lose and if that is unsuccessfull then get my wallet out (and hit the darn thing with it :lol: ).
LOL yes slap it with your wallet! works
Or you can use vinegar it has the same effect as lemon juice or joes juice. Ive use both vinegar & boiling water and killed the little bliters with no problem. Ive never bought juice from joe! My dosh is staying in my wallet, that way its heavier if I need to hit anything with it! Also the moths like the extra padding for warmth in the winter months! :rofl: :kana:
My dosh is staying in my wallet, that way its heavier if I need to hit anything with it! Also the moths like the extra padding for warmth in the winter months! :rofl: :kana:

:lol: nice way of putting it little me!

As i said though littleme I wasnt trying to put your meathod down by any means so hope my post didnt come accross like that, just offering different solutions (all be it having to pay for them :lol:)
My dosh is staying in my wallet, that way its heavier if I need to hit anything with it! Also the moths like the extra padding for warmth in the winter months! :rofl: :kana:

:lol: nice way of putting it little me!

As i said though littleme I wasnt trying to put your meathod down by any means so hope my post didnt come accross like that, just offering different solutions (all be it having to pay for them :lol:)

No offence taken :shifty:
We all have our tried and tested way of doing things, and the more opinions the better I say! I'm just a tight ars* and prefer to do things as cheap as possible. One thing I will always agree on though, is the sooner you deal with the blighters the better :good:
Give lemon juice a go (as in JiF Lemons Juice that goes on pancakes). I've got rid of a good load of aiptasia before using it!!!
Give lemon juice a go (as in JiF Lemons Juice that goes on pancakes). I've got rid of a good load of aiptasia before using it!!!

For best results how do you apply either the lemon or joe's? Put the rock in a bucket and then apply? Or can you apply this directly in the tank with other creatures nearby?
Joes Juice comes with the relevant applicator and can be added directly to the tank not problem. Jif, you will need a syringe and apply it directly to the crown of the aiptasia - best to turn you powerheads off!!

Personally I would spend the few quid on Joes Juice ;)

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