Do Adfs Leave The Water?


Fish Addict
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
New York, NY
I'm sure they're aquatic, do they ever leave the water? I've been wondering why my LFS keeps them in half-filled tanks and crabs fully submerged.
They don't ever need to leave the water, but I've heard people say before if you feed them on a "land" section they will come out for a bit to eat.

AFAIK, they don't die if out of the water, provided they stay humid. They just generally don't have a reason to leave the water.
Thanks eschaton, that was exactly what I was wondering. LFS sure is weird. Next thing you know, they'll keep amanos in half-filled tanks too.
Yeah, Hymenochirus sp are fully aquatic, as are all Pipid's, they will usually try to find a way to escape aquariums though, so not sure if they sometimes leave the water in the wild if the conditions are humid enough? ive also been told that Silurana (Tropical and Cameroon Clawed Frogs) species like to sometimes bask above the waterline apparantly, my ones sometimes sit on the plants slightly above the water line, they dont have access out of the water other than that though.
They will try to escape aquariums though, so as a rule when you have them you need a tight lid or 1 inch water decrease from top.
I've heard all to often they go exploring, or are found sitting on floating tank decor for awhile and will come out to eat. They may be aquatic but they do come out to stretch their legs now and then.

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