ok, its a prefilter, but i dont understand why you would place the coase mechanical filter medium after the fine floss, kinda defeats the purpose doesnt it?
Not really, i thought that at first, it's just more efficient this way.
How often do you do filter cleans?, probably once a month like most.
Over the course of the month the filter will take in all the particle of waste not to mention the ammonia excreted by the fish.
The smaller particles are delt with without a problem, but the the larger ones will form a sludge in the the filter medium, which not only slows the flow of water, but also reduces the amount of o2 you medium will receive, which is essential to the oxidization of waste (ammonia and nitrite).
Because of this parts of your filter medium will turn anaerobic.
Having some areas of anaerobic in your tank can be beneficial, as the bacteria that forms, convert the nitrate into nitrogen gas (this usuall happens in you substrat), which escapes in to the atmosphere, but if there is a thick sludge in the filter, the gas cannot escape and pollutes and kills off the bacteria in the filter carsing problems.
Like said before a prefilter ie the floss removes the large particles of waste, so the filter doesnt have to deal with them, which in the long term means, your taking nutrients out of the system (helping to control the build up of nitrate/phosphate which coarse algae and can lead to long term health isues with your fish)
I have prefilters in all mine and the wife's tanks, all i do is take the floss out and rinse it in hot tap water, (which is ok it's not a bio medium) every water change, because i do it regular it means i hardly have to clean the filter, maybe once every 2/3month and even them its a quick rinse in tank water.