DIY Tank complete


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2004
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So here the new tank complete and running it has cichlids in it at the moment

i will post more pics when i upload them but here is the tank in glory






These are my fist ever pics on here and my first few pics with the new camera so sorry if they no good

will be building another tank soon this one i have learnt with and the next one will be spot on

and it 55 gal 1.2 meter long by 40 cm wide 40 high it has a sump and bio filter under it but not yet hooked up just running an internal on at the moment the wier iis in the back left corner cost around 100$ aus dollar all up
It sounds very nice :thumbs:

I can't see the pictures because they are password-protected -_-
The Tank looks great but could you post your techniques? :hyper:
I might want to make a tank too :D
And much did your tank cost? :blink:
Blacky said:
and it 55 gal 1.2 meter long by 40 cm wide 40 high it has a sump and bio filter under it but not yet hooked up just running an internal on at the moment the wier iis in the back left corner cost around 100$ aus dollar all up
Could any one tell me what kind of cichlid this is aslo, i got him/her for free at the LPS they dont know what it is its about 5cm long and 3.5 cm high.

the next one im building is going to cost me even less as i have found a place to get plywood free. If any one is going to biuld out of plywood i recommend getting 17mm thick stuff i used 12mm and this was just !JUST! big enough to get the screws in!!! Also the next one i build will have one big window in front not two. This was my first DIY tank and i have learnt heaps from it just little thing mainly but they will make the next one heaps eaiser.

It took me about 2 weeks to build and 4 weeks to have fish and water in.

If your like me and have to have fishh in it straight away get some cheap drums i used a 44 gal steel drum fill with water put all your gravel,rocks,heater,filter,everything thats going in the tank turn them all on when you first start building. So when the paint is dry an cured in goes the all ready heated and cycled stuff let it all settle overnight and then the fishes.

as soon as i get the pics uploaded ill put in a start to finsh post as i have dial up it takes a while. Wil be getting BroadBand as soon as Telstra fix the phone line they Broke (*not HAPPY*) :kana: :cool:

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