DIY rock backgrounds

Boxcar Muzzdogg

Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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I keep seeing talk of using hobby cement to coat your DIY backgrounds. Which type of cement is this. There are like 100 different kinds of cement but I don't know which one to use. Can anyone let me know?
Hi Boxcar - I used 100% Portland Cement. I don't know how much help that will be though because I think it may be a British brand. What options do you have ? I know when I looked there were a lot of pre-mixed options - a mix of sand,aggregate and cement, just ready to add water. In this instance you really want pure cement because any aggregate will give the mix a finish that's too rough and you get the sand separately to add in.
Typically it's about 1 part cement to 3 parts sand, although if I remember the mix does vary slightly for the first coat. I had some good articles from the net that I've mislaid just now - I'll try to hunt them out for you. You use about three coats, leaving 24hours in between each one. The first coat you make pretty sloppy and paint it on with a brush. (about the consistency of emulsion paint) This really justs acts as a key for the coats that follow. The other two you make much thicker and apply by hand. (or by rubber glove I should say, unless you want to lose a few layers of skin !).

When are you thinking of doing this ? - I haven't got around to writing up my project yet and sorting out the pictures I took, but I should get it done over the next week or so.
I'm trying to get started as soon as possible, before school starts. I also want to use it on some backgrounds I've built for my leopard geckos. Thanks for the great help vivienne.

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