Diy Python - Will It Work?


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2008
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I have read the threads on here about making a DIY python, and since I have just got myself a 300L tank I figured it would be work making one.
Before I go to the effort of doing so though I am just wondering if anyone can tell me if there is enough of a height difference between my tank and the sink for the syphon to start?

Bottom of the Tank is 2' 10" from the Floor
Top of the Tank (ie. where the pipe will have to travel over) is 5' from the floor.

The top of my kitchen sink (ie. where the pipe will have to travel over), is 3' from the floor
The lowest point in the sink is about 2' 4" from the floor.

Overall I think I am going to need about 30 feet of pipe between the sink and the tank, PLUS enough to get up to and into both the sink and the tank.

I was just wondering with the tank bottom being 2' 10" from the floor, and the lowest point in the sink being about 2' 4" from the floor if there is any chance of the syphon working? I don't want to go to the expense and effort of building one if it won't work - lol

I was going to make a DIY python, but I found it cheaper just to buy the python from Petsmart and get a garden hose/adapter for the tubing. However if you want to do it DIY for fun, by all means, go DIY. As far as the sink to tank logistics...I don't know if it would work or not...I think as long as the end point is lower than the starting point the siphon SHOULD start....Good Luck!

Just had a look at the 'ready made' ones. £70 for a 50 foot one and £52 for a 25 foot one! Not sure how they can justify those prices :unsure:
Oddly enough the attachments without the hose are very cheap.

Will definately be cheaper to just buy the attachments and get your own hose from the DIY shop. Assuming, of course, that the attachments will actually fit the 'common' hose diameter. Probably won't. :huh:
If the end of the hose is lower than the start of the hose, the siphon will work. Simple as that.

In your case, Schmill, if you have the start of the hose at the bottom of your tank (2'10") and the end at the bottom of your sink (2'4"), it will work no problem. :good:
agree with above, doesn't matter how much lower, just needs to be lower. remember if you use a hose pipe it doesn't have to siphon out to somewhere, not necessarily into a sink, if it's easier you can just chuck the hose out of the nearest door/window and onto your garden! :good:
Well now I'll let you in on a little story... -lol

Since getting our own place, (and the council providing various recycling pickups), my wife and I have been pretty good with the recycling of tins, bottles, plastics, paper etc.
This combined with the fact that we are on a water meter (which got fitted by the water company when we bought this house!), the thought of taking 75L (25% of 300L tank) of water every week and dumping it down the drain, only to then take another 75L from the tap to fillup again seemed a bit bad - lol

So yesterday I went off to B&Q, and it turns out they are having an offer on their rainwater butts at the moment :good:
I got a 210L one for £20 (normally £30), so was quite impressed with that.
I don't think there is any getting away from having to use the 75L of tap water to fill the tank, (as I don't think rainwater would be very good?), but at least now I can syphon off into the water butt and then use that for the garden / filter washing / etc etc :)

(Only snag means I can't use a DIY Python arrangment, so will just have to have 1 pipe for filling and 1 pipe for syphoning (and suck it untilt the water comes out!)
yes absolutely, and bear in mind that the waste water from the tank is full of lovely nitrate which is a plant fertiliser so it's very very good to use it on your garden.

better for the plants, better environmentally and better for your pocket. everyone's a winner!
TBH a Python will syphon uphill but wastes water. As to height if you start the suck on a python then turn off the tap as long as the tank is 1 inch higher it will drain 1 inch worth.

As to cost on making a Python I have made a Genuine python for 20 quid you can buy spares from here for a python the parts came to about 15 quid and depends on what bits you need. can reduce that cost. Then i used some Pond pipe (Reinforce stuff that can go underground) this was about 5 quid for 7Metres as it was an off cut. Bit of clear pipeon the end done.

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