Diy Lights


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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There is a few threads regarding this but not recently, and was just looking for a bit of advice. Am upgrading for a planted tank, disscusion regarding the actaully sutibility of doing this is in the planted section.

This is just the practicality question, asked second as always ;)

So the plan is to buy one of these

and 4 of these

And then the wiring.

Now a few things you should know.

I'm not an electrician, but am happy to do a bit of wiring, and technically enough minded, I hope, to follow a wiring diagram.
The set up of the tank means that none of the fittings or ballast would come in to contact with any worrying amount of water, I have glass condensation plates and moisture in the hood is minimal.

So what I'd like to know?

Firstly that I'm not a complete moron and it will work
Secondly if there's anything I've missed.
Thirdly what do I need in the way of wiring, is regular 2/3core stuff OK or do I need anything special.

And I'd really like to know if anyone's done this before, and actually pictures of the wiring would be brilliant as I'd know exactly what to do.

NO sparkies?

Sorry if this seems impatient it just I'd like to get everything ordered as quickly as possible.

Basically doing some more research the actual wiring up will be no problem, but there seems to be very little mention of what wiring is needed. I'm hoping it's not a big issue but would be grateful I anyone with more experiance could tell me if there was any ratings that the wiring needed to have.

I have a length of 3 core heat resistant cable which i used when wiring up a ceramic bulb for my boa, which should do for attaching a plug to the ballast, but am unsure if regular 2 core flex will be suitable to wire up the endcaps.

Thanks Again
YES it will work... similar to what I use, but I did use aquarium end caps (moisture-proof) as I don't like cover glasses.

The ballast, and probably the end caps will use a push lock system for the wires - the caps I bought are sealed onto suitable SOLID cored wire... the ones you selected don't have wires, so I maybe a good idea to order some of that too from the supplier - he will know what sort you need.

As for a "diagram" there is one printed on the ballast !
One point that may cause confusion is that on a dual ballast, you NEED both tubes to be fitted before they light !

Other than that its quite outright forward... Decide where you are placing the ballast though, as obviously they need to be dry... and its recommended that you place the tubes within a metre or so, with all cables the same length... but I doubt its that critical.

Happy to help further if needed...

Good luck :good:
Thanks Rooster,

I actually ordered all the parts a while ago, and wired it all up. To my amazement it works. The tombstone fittings, aint what I thought they were. As they are obviously supposed to clip into a unit. Something that would be obvious to anyone with electrical knowledge i guess and I felt like a bit of an idiot. However, they can be screwed in and I ordered some tool clips to hold it all together so it will be fine. Actually probably won't need the tool clips as my plans developed and I ordered reflectors today but you get the point :rolleyes:

I used regular 2 core lighting cable and the fittings clipped on fine, so I presume that it should be fine. If you think otherwise I can order some solid core. I knew that they were obviously intended to use that but couldn't find what it was called through blind searches on google. Guess soild core is the obvious name. :no:

The hood has a back compartment to hold the ballast so I'm pretty much set. Slightly worried that it will all get very hot, as I've never used T5s before but I'll have to see and correct once its all in.


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