Diy Idea For Filter...

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2006
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I was wondering if this could work and how well. It's like a sump setup. The filter water could go beind the tank. The problem I see is maybe the powerhead. One has to be less powerful than the other one. I was thinking that maybe from the tank to the filter the hose could use gravity to syphon the water, but I don't know how powerul that may be. Also, if you know a cheaper method or part suggestion please let us know!

It would look something like this:

You mention a siphon, so I assume you are going to have one tank below the other. This being the case, you will not find a powerhead that has sufficient head to pump water back up, at least, not a powerhead that would cost less then a purpose made external filter.

Controlling that kind of sump set up without drilled tanks is always fraught with problems. The P/H "emptying" the tank is not really needed as it will siphon without, probably too efficiently, i.e. you'll overflow the sump and gradually empty the tank. Of course, it the water level drops enough, the siphon will break and the water flow stop, in which case the return pump will continue pumping on an empty tank and burn out without the cooling water.
to run a sump under your main tank you need to ither drill the main tank or get a syphon box which are very expencive.

the best way to do what you want is to have the sump next to the main tank at the same level. if you then pump from one to the other gravety will equal out the water level between the 2 tanks. obviosly you will need to use a short length of pipe to conect the 2 tanks.
Well this idea stinks then. I don't have much room but below the tank.
I have a 55 gal that I am planning for. The above is a no go either. No room, plus I think it would look weird.

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