Diy Help Please


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
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United Kingdom

I currently have a 28L tank, 30L tank, and 35L tank.

I would like to get a large tank which I could divide into 3 sections, then get rid of the original 3 tanks as I think it would look nicer, and save money having 1 light bulb running instead of 3.

Just wondering what is the best way to divide a tank?
If i was to use a sheet of glass, how would I filter and heat the whole tank, as the water would not be shared this way?

I don't really want to use a plastic sheet with holes in, as I think glass would look nicer.

Any tips?

Thanks :good:
The trouble with using glass is the water wouldn't flow without putting holes in the glass. You don't have to use plastic but you can use perspex which is durable like plastic but thicker and attractive as glass. That way you can drill the holes into the perspex for your water flow.

Either drill lots of small holes into each piece (not my idea of fun really) or drill 1 large hole in the top corner of each piece so you run a spray bar the whole length of the tank through the holes, which hold the spray bar in place. Just make sure the place you drill the hole in each piece of perspex is in exactly the same place.

You use one heater and as with any tank, the flow of the water will heat the whole tank.

You silicone each piece of perspex into place. It's a simple and effective method, provided you are accurate with your drilling, cutting and sticking.
i agree with mermaidmel with the perspex and most good diy stores sell it , you dont have to drill it you can use a jigsaw to create a comb at the top or bottom or both but small holes do make abit better flow , i think perspex is the way to go its clear and alot easier to work with
Depending on what you are keeping (large species) you could employ a weir system like us reefers use in our sumps


Hope you see what I'm getting at from the pic
The downside is that if disease strikes then the whole lot suffers
Thanks for the replies.

I will certainly consider perspex, I will have to see what is available. I would like it to be good quality, which is why I was going to use glass.

With it being on a set of drawers, I don't think there is room for a sump (unfortunately)

The idea of trying to share heater/filter is to save electric costs. My dad has recently complained about an £800 electric bill.
Big C was getting at using glass in a similar pattern of panels to a sump not that you should have sump. If you look at the diagram you can see the water easily flows from one side to the other with limited restriction on flow due to the different heights of glass you could use a single pump to pump water from right (inlet) to left (outlet).
Oh yes I understand it now, lol. Thanks :)

If i were to use solid glass sheets, would I be able to get a suitable air pump to cover all 3 sections using a sponge filter in each? And would the heater still heat all 3 sections through the glass sufficiently?

I won't start on lighting yet..

Thanks for your helps
If you go with style out lined by big C then I would use an external filter with the inlet on the right and outlet on the left and a heater in any of the compartments will result in equal heat throughout due to the flow of the water. The air pump I am not sure about but I think you would need a triple output pump would be easiest.

I currently have a 28L tank, 30L tank, and 35L tank.

I would like to get a large tank which I could divide into 3 sections, then get rid of the original 3 tanks as I think it would look nicer, and save money having 1 light bulb running instead of 3.

Just wondering what is the best way to divide a tank?
If i was to use a sheet of glass, how would I filter and heat the whole tank, as the water would not be shared this way?

I don't really want to use a plastic sheet with holes in, as I think glass would look nicer.

Any tips?

Thanks :good:
this i what i used hope this helps only use one heater /pump/light how cheap can it get for £2.55
thanx paul
i use a sump for my filtration i will show you a pic of it so you can see how it works, the inlet is on the left,middle is a skimmer/heater/air stones,and the right side is the return pump but you could do this with your tank and use a external filter to filter it all




this one isn't mine its just an idea ive been toying with for a fry tank


and this is another sump


you can use these with no media in them and just use yuor external to filter it all and if you put the heater and air stone in the inlet end of the the whole tank will be evenly warmed and oxygenated

I currently have a 28L tank, 30L tank, and 35L tank.

I would like to get a large tank which I could divide into 3 sections, then get rid of the original 3 tanks as I think it would look nicer, and save money having 1 light bulb running instead of 3.

Just wondering what is the best way to divide a tank?
If i was to use a sheet of glass, how would I filter and heat the whole tank, as the water would not be shared this way?

I don't really want to use a plastic sheet with holes in, as I think glass would look nicer.

Any tips?

Thanks :good:
this i what i used hope this helps only use one heater /pump/light how cheap can it get for £2.55
thanx paul

That is something what I am looking for :)

Mixmaster Jay: Some interesting ideas there, thanks. but i was imagining a 4.5" tank split into 3, so I dont think there will be enough room for a weir system.
is that 4ft 5inch ? the wiers only have to be an inch apart thats about the minimum so with two wier systems either end one wth 2 pieces of glass and the other with just one you will only lose about 2 inch in total, if you had two sheets either side it woild only be about 3 inch. My sump is 4 x 2 x 18" and ive 2 sheets one end with a 2" gap and one sheet at the other end i only lose about 3.5" in total

i hope that isn't too confusing im not too good at explaining things sometimes :good:
is that 4ft 5inch ? the wiers only have to be an inch apart thats about the minimum so with two wier systems either end one wth 2 pieces of glass and the other with just one you will only lose about 2 inch in total, if you had two sheets either side it woild only be about 3 inch. My sump is 4 x 2 x 18" and ive 2 sheets one end with a 2" gap and one sheet at the other end i only lose about 3.5" in total

i hope that isn't too confusing im not too good at explaining things sometimes :good:

Oops i meant 4.5' (ft)

Thinking about it, I will probably get a 4ft tank, split into 2. one of the original tanks was my 17th birthday present (and first) so i would like to keep that.

this will mean i will only need to split it into 2 with 1 divider :D

Thanks for your help all, I think i know where i am going with tank division now.

Moving onto lights...

I would like it to be closed top, but being 4ft will probably mean i might need a custom lid (if its a custom tank, not sure if there are any good branded 4ft branded tanks with lids?)

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