Diy Fishtank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Thorpe, UK
Hey all, I'm looking to get some cheap tanks, but I wouldn't trust myself to make anything bigger than 10 gals. Problem is I'll be breeding soon so I'm going to need some 30/40 gal tanks.

So I was wondering if anyone thinks an old bathtub would work? (Or more importantly, where I could find one! xD)
Hey all, I'm looking to get some cheap tanks, but I wouldn't trust myself to make anything bigger than 10 gals. Problem is I'll be breeding soon so I'm going to need some 30/40 gal tanks.

So I was wondering if anyone thinks an old bathtub would work? (Or more importantly, where I could find one! xD)

If it was a used bathtub i would be worried about soap and cleaning products affecting the water quality and killing the fish or a fish accidently pulling the plug out :rolleyes:

I've heard about people using plastic dustbins as temporary tanks, but my advise would be to keep an eye on places like ebay for cheap tanks. If you dont mind some scratches and don't need a stand for them there are bargains to be found.
I breed Killifish and at my previous abode, in my fish-house (shed) I built a series of box ponds (3/4 plywood on a 2"x2" framework) lined these with old carpet and polystyrene then inserted a cheap pond liner (light blue is better than black to view fish) Cut a nice 4"x3/4" timber mitred top edging to hide liner and placed some cover glasses over the top on E Channelling to cut down condensation somewhat.
Is this what you were looking for.
Shrimper - Money is one of my main concerns with these tanks, and I can't afford to spend more than 50 pounds in total, which I know tanks go for less on Ebay, but I can never pick them up because they're usually the other side of the country to me :p However, this bath is in my county and a mere 30 minutes away :eek:

And I think I've got a small plan on how to make it ^^ Which would involve sealing the plug in, so no fish could pull it out :p

BigC - I can't entirely picture how it works, is it a box of plywood? Or is plywood only supplying the frame?
BigC - I can't entirely picture how it works, is it a box of plywood? Or is plywood only supplying the frame?
The plywood is cut to size and screwed to the 2x2 in sections and then screwed together. Its just a wooden box really but it needs to be strong enough to contain the force of the water. So 2x2 supports and thick ply are the materials used. Make the base first and build around that. Once done I lined the box with polystyrene and old carpet to reduce heat loss and stop any wood or screws puncturing the liner. Lay the liner outstretched over the box and start to fill, letting the weight of the water force the liner into the box, all the while pulling the liner to reduce the amount of creasing. This way you get a nice fit, not perfect but good nonetheless. Tidy up and frame the top to hide the liner edges. I used light blue PVC liner because it was inside (no need for expensive butyl) and wasn't being exposed to the harmful sunlight. Also I could see the juvenile fish better. 2x300w heater/stats were used to heat the vats and these were placed on a plastic cat litter tray filled with gravel. The water was airated via the airpump's ring main. Growth rates were fantastic.
Hope this gives you a better understanding of what I'm trying to relay.
So I was wondering if anyone thinks an old bathtub would work?
I remember reading something on the pfk website where a guy used an old bathtub as a heated outdoor tropical pond to breed cichlids.

In fact, here it it: [URL=""][/URL].

I remember my dad telling me that he kept a goldfish in an outdoor bathtub for years until something ate it.

So I personally don't see why not, just clean it first.
Thanks for explaining BigC, I think I understand it! :D How much would it cost roughly? It may well be the answer to my buget problem! :)

Thanks for the link three-fingers, has given me some confidence on this bath-front :D
An example of a plastic bin tank I have used for quarantining fish a few times. You can get a HOB to work on these tank if the sides are thin enough. You need to make sure the heater doesn't touch the sides of the tank. This tank is about 10gal.



Those plastic bins are exactly what I could use! :D Thanks so much! :) I'll probably end up buying a few fron the net then drilling through them and hooking them up to an external heater + filter.

Thanks to everyone for the help! :)

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