DIY Filter Mod.


Dec 19, 2004
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Boston, MA
Hey guys i hate the noise that power filters make and i was wondering how i can extend the lip of my power filter (Penguin 330) to go deeper into the water so that it wont make alot of noise when it the water evaporates. Any susggestions?
Sorry, Im not sure what you are asking. The lips on my 330 are always a good inch under the waters, but the bloddy thing leans a bit, and that causes some noise.

Please give a more in depth explaination
you mean you want to extend the part where the water is returned to the tank?

I'm not sure if that would change anything as the water wouold still fall in
can't you just top off the water regularly?
Yea, but they are very short on the lips, liek my penguin in my 55 is very noisy after just a little bnti of wate r evaporates its apin filling it up evry few days.

my idea - cut PVC lenghtwise. take out a quarter of it. glue it to part where water comes out of filter and in above thread into the trough. Then drill some holes at the bottom to allow water to escape, and cap both ends of PVC. Never tried it out but please feel free to do so and post a thread about how it works...


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