Diy Dividers For This Tank?

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Starting again
May 17, 2009
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Bournemouth, UK
I am getting an 18" cube and plan to divide into four. Locally can only find 12"x12" or 12"x18". Can anyone recommend somewhere that sells large dividers or how to make own? I know I can access the plastic tapestry stuff but unsure what excatly to fix it with.

Am unsure if to go with a + formation or a x formation. I would rather not seal the entire dividers into the tank and need alternative ways if at all possible (pics included of your own DIYs if at all possible!).

I am not the best DIY or technical person on the planet so any help is really appreciated!!

P.s. If curious this is going to be a betta tank divided, 3 -4 slots for the fish, dependant if keeping the fourth just for heater, filter, plants etc.
I am about to do the same myself and have ordered these from ebay to hold the divider in placeClick here! Ideal if you don't want anything permanent.
Then all you need is some plastic canvas to use as the divider from somewhere like hobbycraft (or any craft shop), which will work out cheaper than ebay etc.
You can get different sizes and cut to what you need.
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If you're going for three, x is better because three segments are easily visible. If four, probably + depending hoe see-through the divider is.
Thanks very much! The tank won't be able to go up for three-four weeks yet so still a little time to decide, it is just getting it into position.. How do tanks do in the middle of the floor from a all round view as long as the wires are taped?
Going with tank in middle of floor so + formation. Have looked online and cannot find any plastic canvas big enough, here is hoping locally someone may have it.. any tips grateful :good:

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