Diy Divider Problems


Fish Herder
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Hey, I divided a 10 gallon using this method:
and it looks great, but I've found that the plastic pulls away from the silicone very easily! Trying to get the dividers in, I ruined one side of each set! The silicone adheres strongly to the glass but the plastic piece pulls right off. Now I'm getting some bettas in the mail today and I'll have nowhere to put them! Ahh! I have only two sections in the tank and I think I'll be getting three males!
Does anyone know of a very quick way to divide a tank, something that can be done diy in a couple hours?

You'll have to drain and break down your aquarium (if it's full) to do this, but this worked for me...

Instead of using silicone to glue the dividers on, "sew" the bottom edge of the plastic canvas panels (perpendicular) to another piece of plastic canvas which will lay flat on the bottom of the aquarium. You can use fishing line or other clear plastic type thread.

If you use gravel, pebbles or marbles, the weight of the substrate holds everything down. Use a third report cover binder thingy so that both the sides and the top edge of the panels are stiff. It's really important to measure correctly because you want a SNUG fit.

To secure the panels, there's two ways to go about it... you can either place two suction cups on either side of the top corners or you can sew a suction cup to the corner of the panel using the same stuff you used to sew the panels together.

I hope this makes sense!!!

This works GREAT for me, because I don't have to mess with silicone and it's non-permanent in case I want to use the tank as a community aquarium later. :)

Hope this helps!

EDIT: And oh yeah, it's always a good idea to lay another piece of plastic canvas across the top of it all so they can't jump over the panels. :)
I've used this method as well, but I do not like suction cups, as i know my smaller fish can squeeze around them, so what I've done is the mesh side, with report covers on either side flush against the tank, the subtrate / gravel on the bottom to hold that half steady, and either paper clips or those black triangular clips... For the paper clips, I take the longer and and put it through the mesh, then bend it a little so the smaller side goes over the side of the black tank top. for the black clips, I just clip it to the top of the tank and fold the metal piece down, one against the glass, the other between some of the plastic 'bumps' you get if you don't cut the mesh flush to the line of plastic. I keep the water about 2-3 inches away from the top, so I've never worried with putting mesh over the top of it.
Can I get you some pics tomorrow?

I'm at work right now and I don't have any pics of the setup handy. :)

I can take a pic tonight of one of these rigs I took out of a tank. I recently converted a divided 10 gallon to a spawning tank and stored the rig. :) I also have two others currently in use.

I wonder if it would be possible to drill a small hole in the black frame around the top of the aquarium, and thread a paper clip through that? That would be very secure. :)

I would probably use a plastic paperclip, though, since I avoid putting anything metal in my tanks. :)
I am impressed. I'm off to the store to get the supplies, and I'm going to give it a try. I like the idea of drilling the holes, too. It would be less noticeable than the suction cups. I've never seen plastic paper clips, though. I was thinking to just use more fishing line.

Sorry for the delay on pics! I left my camera at work.

First two pics are of the 50 gallon divided, you can see the report binder spines on the top edge of the panels.



Here's some of the rig I recently took out of the 10 gallon... You can see the stitches. I took the report binder spines off the top edges and used them for a different project. :)



Here's a 5 gallon I divided with this method... I used two suction cups because I was feeling lazy. :) In case you are wondering, they are stained blue by methylene blue. I've never had any escapees with this setup. Currently there are only two males in there, the middle section is vacant (soon to be filled!). :)

I'm not sure if what I did was totally off, but I inserted the dividers with the mesh inside of the report binders and everything. I just used a LOT of aquarium sealant, pressed the report binders into it then added more sealant around the binders. I used one binder on each side and one on the bottom, and its SUPER secure. I had tons of excess sealant stuck in there, which I took off with a razor. I also let it dry for a few days, it could be that it hadn't dried enough -_-
Couple questions on this setup since I am thinking about trying it out.

1. Can't the bettas see each other through the plastic canvas?

2. How does filtration work? Do you need a sponge filter in each section or can a single small HOB filter pull stuff from one end of the tank to the other through the canvas sheets?

Hey. I've never done divided tanks, but I think I can answer your question. The bettas can see each other, but if you don't want that, you could always add a piece of opaque plastic with 'some' holes drilled through it to allow circulation.

For your filtration question: just one filter would be fine. the canvas things are riddled with holes and would allow sufficient water movement to circulate the water. You would likely have to suck up the debris (separately) on the side that doesn't directly have the filter though, as it wouldn't really fit through the holes if it's too big.

Hope this helps!

Hey. I've never done divided tanks, but I think I can answer your question. The bettas can see each other, but if you don't want that, you could always add a piece of opaque plastic with 'some' holes drilled through it to allow circulation.

If the bettas don't mind I don't mind either. I thought they'd flare at each constantly.


For your filtration question: just one filter would be fine. the canvas things are riddled with holes and would allow sufficient water movement to circulate the water. You would likely have to suck up the debris (separately) on the side that doesn't directly have the filter though, as it wouldn't really fit through the holes if it's too big.

Hope this helps!


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