Diy Co2


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2009
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Ok so a while ago, i started using DIY C02.
i have a 2ft tropical tank, with just 1 fish in ther atm.
my water stats are as follows: nitrates 10, nitrits 0.0, ammonia 0.0

this is my proplem, i wanted a planted tank...nothing too complicated just something simple, nice and easy.
so easy plants to keep and grow, like moss, java ferns, cabomba green, wendetti greens and browns, ect ect.
anyway i cannot afford a fancy c02 system so ive given DIY c02 a go and from what ive seen so far ....not too great to be honest.

i used a 2ltr cola bottle, clear tubing, a non return valve, and a ATC AQUAGROW C02 DIFFUSER.

i used the active yeast and sugar mix of 2 cups of sugar to 1/4 active yeast (no baking soda)
i added warm water to the neck of the bottle gave it a shake hooked it up to the tank and the diffuser ect ect.

i gave it an hour and it stared to work....kinda...
i thought c02 worked via constant tiny bubbles being released from the diffuser but mine just builds up in the diffuser and then i get 1 large bubble of c02 being released.
is this wrong? or isit normal?

what can i do to make it a steady flow of constant tiny bubbles?
if even possible with diy c02.

any comments welcome and taken into account. :)

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