Hi, i just made the 2 litre soda bottle version, can some one tell how much gas i should be expecting?
Not sure if you mean how many bubbles per second or how high your CO2 reading will go.
The amount given of largely depends on the mixture you use and the amount of CO2 dissolved in
the water will depend on the size of tank it is supplying.
For example, 1 nutrafin CO2 canister is good for 70Ltrs.
I have 3 tanks running with DIY CO2 at the moment:
2 x nutrafin canisters into a single bubble ladder using sugar/bicarb of soda/bakers yeast (forget the supplied 'activator' and 'stabiliser' - they're rubbish). This gives me about 28 - 30 ppm max, as long as I change the canisters regularly.
1 x 2Ltr soda bottle, using sugar/bicarb of soda/bakers yeast. No readings yet. Tank only setup yesterday.
No fish yet.
1 x 1Ltr soda bottle, using a slower release gelatine/bakers yeast mixture. Currently giving about 25ppm.
A 2Ltr bottle gave a really high reading, but no fish in yet as still cycling, so it wasnt much of a problem.
Not too worried about the levels in this tank yet as I'm replacing the diffuser next week, I'll verify the readings (and adjust if required) then.
I suppose for you CO2 level you'll need to take some water readings (PH & KH) and work out your dissolved CO2 level from those readings. I assume you are adding CO2 for better plant growth. Remember you'll also need to take your lighting into account and what fertiliser method you are using (to avoid algae blooms).
The method you use to dissolve the CO2 into the water will also play a part, as will the type of tubing you use ... normal airline will loose some of the CO2 before it even reaches the tank. Not sure how much exactly, but I believe its about 5 or 6%.
Without knowing more about your tank setup its a bit difficult to answer your question in any more detail ...... but hope that helps a little !
Mr G