Hey there,
Purchased a small tank a couple of months back, and having given up keeping it as a nano reef - have decided to keep a few of my endlers fry in there.
Tank size - 30cm x 18 x 24
I've got some riccia, monoselenium, hemianthus callitrichoides etc in there and so I want to set up a diy co2 unit.
Only problem is - I can't find a suitable recipe for this size tank.
Any ideas?
Purchased a small tank a couple of months back, and having given up keeping it as a nano reef - have decided to keep a few of my endlers fry in there.
Tank size - 30cm x 18 x 24
I've got some riccia, monoselenium, hemianthus callitrichoides etc in there and so I want to set up a diy co2 unit.
Only problem is - I can't find a suitable recipe for this size tank.
Any ideas?