so I've had Amano shrimp in my African Tetra tank for going on a couple years, and a breeding tank of cherry shrimp, for well over a year... this recent experiment of adding the Cherries to my Hillstream tank, seems to be working, even if I have to add a net full every couple months, either as slowly eaten feeders, or until they can establish themselves... I have a couple empty 10 gallons, I think I'm going to try a few more colors... to start with, orange, yellow, and blue... if I can get established colonies going in breeding tanks, I'll try adding them to some of my other community tanks... the adults add a nice pop of color to this tank, and if the babies get eaten, it only adds to the diet of the fish...
I don't want to mix the colors, and adding them to my medium cichlid tank, will likely just be adding live food, though there are a couple thick java fern tangles, and thick pothos root balls, that should provide a safe space from the bigger cichlids...
I don't want to mix the colors, and adding them to my medium cichlid tank, will likely just be adding live food, though there are a couple thick java fern tangles, and thick pothos root balls, that should provide a safe space from the bigger cichlids...
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