Divided Tank options


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I just went out to a couple stores to browse for fish supplies. After looking at a few tanks I decided that I'd like something a little bit more then 1 gal. After looking longer, I spotted some bettas on the shelf... I want more!!

So what are my options for a divided tank? I've read some things that warn about a corner filter causing only one side to get fresh water, as well as the concern of disease contaminating the hole tank.

Is this something I should really do or am I better off getting two tanks?
:lol: :rofl:

You caught the Betta virus! Congrats!

Okay. Here is a link to a post with a couple pictures of divided tanks. They sell this tank in Petsmart and other fish stores with pre-cut glass dividers. I bought them and they didn't fit so I ended up making my own. These dividers are good because they have holes in them so the water can flow through. They are really simple to install.

Here is a pic of a tank I would love to have. It belongs to another member, Synastic:

These are the only good examples I could find. You can divide almost any size tank. You just have to get creative.
welli have a 10G at home that's divided into 4 sections (using homemade plastic things that have holes through them for water circulation) for 4 bettas and they do fine.

there are advantages to using a divided tank like what i have. First, the tempreature is constant through out the tank, you dont' have to wory about oen betta being too warm, the other too cold, etc since the water passe sthrough all of htem. but yes it is true that if you have a diease it will spread to the rest of the tank (i dont' see it as that big of a problem).

As for the corner filter thing i don't have an asnwer since i've never used a corner filter before :) i use a regular filter on mine and it does seem like only one section is getting most of the fresh water, hwich means that i have to syphon up the other sections more often and do regular water changes.

:dunno: up to you really :)
Thank you both. I'll keep browsing around and reading some more. Not sure yet what I'll do. I'd like a 2.5gal or 3 gal tank for a single betta. I thought maybe I should get a 5 and split it up.

Any thoughts on the Eclipse 3 gal tank for a single betta? The filter didn't appear to be undergravel, that's what I was planning to get unless someone thinks the corner would be better. Which is it that's bad if you plan to use blood worms or brine?
im' pretty sure an undergravel filter would be better than a corner filter. As for those 3G elispse (sp) tank, those sound pretty good for a betta :) are you goign to keep some at your house too?

I think I'm going to probably get one for home too :wub:

Maybe I'll just go with a MiniBow 2.5 at home and work. I really prefer the "normal" look of a 5 gallon tank instead of the design on a MiniBow or Aquaview. But i can't find any 1-3gal tanks like that.
Hey Ry, with a small tank of 1-3 gallons, does the light on top effect the temperature much? I looked at two stores and couldn't find any heaters that were 15watt or less.
Hmm . . .

When I turn off the light, I have to unplug the heater because I need another outlet :*)

The tank is set at 78. When I unplug the heater and turn on the light, it drops to 76. Has never fallen lower than 76. So I would say the light helps to heat it a little bit, not much though.

Hope that helps.
Okay, I'll keep that in mind. With the dividers, is nothing more than the gravel holding them in place?

I want more bettas :wub:

Me too. If you want instructions on how to make the dividers I'd be more than happy to give them to you.

The answer to your question is both yes and no.

There are rails or guides holding the actual divider in place. The black strip you see on the aquarium? That is a report binder from any office store.

As for the bottom, the gravel is keeping the little buggers from scooting underneath.
Oh yea . . . you can buy dividers at some pet stores. They run about $10 for one divider and they are pre-cut sizes. They didn't have any as small as 2.5 gal so that's why I made my own.
Thanks Ry,

I think I'm going to get a MiniBow 2.5 gal to start with Nelson. I need to spend a month with my first betta before I worry about two. In due time, I think I'll buy a 5 gallon tank and split it in half with 2 more bettas to keep at home next to all my computers.

I was at a pet store earlier and felt sooo bad for how small of containers they keep them in. I wanted to buy a huge huge tank and split it up to buy them all. I've always had that weakness for animals in a pet store.

Thanks again everyone for breaking me in this past week!

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