Divided 10gal, Inspired By Heygetsmart


New Member
Oct 26, 2008
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My set up of 2 dividers went pretty well, so I decided to make another unit since theres plenty of space. Everything fits perfectly, the dividers I used were for 15/20gal, but a pair of scissor fixed it without problem. And I also lowered the current by placing a sponge from my previous sponge filter between the lighting and the filter, so it wouldnt get blown away.


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Heres Ninja, black/cambo halfmoon?


Bully, a blue plakat


Ares, red/blue/purple? crown


Sky, torquise/yellow delta? big fin rot ever since I got him

Moss balls, Anubias nanas, Brazil swords, and I dont know the name of the two tall plants on opposite sides, picked it because it looks nice lol.
it may not be just fin rot. if he is always in a divided tank that may just be too much stress for him and he will chew his own fins. I have several boys that CAN NOT live in divided tanks because they never stop flairing and fussing and stressing each other out.
can you get a better shot of the fins of the llast boy? IMO, it doesnt look like fin rot at all...it looks like munching... what do you think newfishy?
another pic from a different angle would help, but yes that looks like he is chewing and it heals a bit then he re chews.

edit to add, the one boy of my that chews will also chew if any other little thing stresses him, like hearing my son playing or even too large a water change will freak him out.
Sky is the new addition to the tank. His caudal fin was like that ever since I got him like I said. The pet store where I got him had a lot of bettas with messed up fins, chances are they're from rotting.

Hmm, is there anything I can do for his caudal fin?
Gorgeous I must say.
Way better than mine.

Be careful and check the water stats often!

I just lost all my bettas due to an electrical failure : /
Gorgeous I must say.
Way better than mine.

Be careful and check the water stats often!

I just lost all my bettas due to an electrical failure : /
Thanks peeps, and I'm really sorry to hear about your bettas smarty =X

What exactly happened may I ask?
Gorgeous I must say.
Way better than mine.

Be careful and check the water stats often!

I just lost all my bettas due to an electrical failure : /
Thanks peeps, and I'm really sorry to hear about your bettas smarty =X

What exactly happened may I ask?
The electricity in my apartment complex was basically on the fritz for 5 days.

And I lost most of my bettas [FINAL DEATH COUNT: 14/18] to the temperature fluctuations and the stress that was caused on them. Along with the ammonia levels in the aquariums were off the charts. Especially in the divded tank. : /

I've never felt so horrible.

I also lost my albino oscar and my albino pleco.
Gorgeous I must say.
Way better than mine.

Be careful and check the water stats often!

I just lost all my bettas due to an electrical failure : /
Thanks peeps, and I'm really sorry to hear about your bettas smarty =X

What exactly happened may I ask?
The electricity in my apartment complex was basically on the fritz for 5 days.

And I lost most of my bettas [FINAL DEATH COUNT: 14/18] to the temperature fluctuations and the stress that was caused on them. Along with the ammonia levels in the aquariums were off the charts. Especially in the divded tank. : /

I've never felt so horrible.

I also lost my albino oscar and my albino pleco.
sorry again =X

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