Divided 10g


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
:p Here are pics of the 10g/stand I got for $60. With the dividers, decorations/plants it is a total of about $75. The Bettas LOVE it. Both boys have bubblenests nearly covering their entire section, and the cory is happy too!

Sorry this took so long. We just adopted a new puppy, so you know how that goes!


  • erica_075.jpg
    41.6 KB · Views: 29
:D lovely tank. How will you clean it out though? More info about new puppy as well please! :good:
Yeah, that's my little pygmy. ;0) I feel really bad that he's alone, unfortunately there are no stores that sell pygmy's around here... and some one from my Betta club just threw him in with an auction lot! He and my green girl swim around together.

Liz, it's really easy! I just syphon out the bottom every day, and do 50% WC's twice a week. It's yellow because I add lots of IAL, the 2 pairs are being conditioned right now. There's also a filter in there, just to keep the water flowing a little.
that tank/stand is 90 bucks at my petco, reduced from 119. not a chance :rolleyes: looks good though. I want to start another 10g but my mom will kill me if I buy another one since i have two at home that aren't being used (maybe three! :shifty: ).
Starrynight, did you look that up on the net? At all of my local Petco's, it is $60, on clearance. I saw it at a LPS for $140! :X I guess I'm a bargain hunter like that.

Thank you, Cracker!
nope, not the internet, i saw it at my local petco, tank and stand to match, in red or blue, $90. Dunno why it's different from anywhere else... :blink:
It's $90 at the Petco near me, too. I purposefully looked for it after someone pointed it out here. I used to live in Georgia and things were so dirt cheap there compared to here. Groceries, furniture, even carry-out pizza were $30-$50% cheaper down there regular price compared to here, and there were tons more sales. I can see how chain stores would have to adapt their prices to the cost of living in different areas or they'd go out of business in the lower areas because of high prices, and undercut the local businesses waaay too much in the higher areas, people would be mad about the lower prices!
I have the best idea man. Put different colours of gravel in each one, it will look so neat.

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