Dither fish for a Malawi tank


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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Hello everyone,

Just wondering what schooling fish would be good for a malawi tank. something that doesn't get too big, say 2-3 inches, and stays in the upper tiers of the tank, and very active of course. Seems that my new haps and peacocks are still pretty shy when I go near the tank... Hoping to give them some courage.

thanks for any replies,
Dither fish are usually not a good idea in Malawi tanks, and generally not needed. Reasons they might be shy is
- they are new to the tank and need to get used to it
- they are still quite young, so being timid is instinct
- the tank is sparsly stocked, which often makes Malawi's more shy
Try adding 10 Yellow labis, 2-3 males the rest females.
Try adding 10 Yellow labis, 2-3 males the rest females.

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