Distilled Water


Crazy Crab Lady
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
I've been using distilled for a long time in my pico with no problems, but just wanted to make a note about something bad I encountered today in the world of distilled water. I switched brands, which should have been no big deal except for maybe a difference in initial pH, and found out that the new brand has a dKH of 4. So, not all distilled water is created equally. I'm really wondering whether that new "distilled" water is actually a scam of some sort.
The best way to check your distilled water is with a TDS meter. I have one. You can get one pretty cheap on Ebay. I'd be curious to see what the TDS is on that gallon SH
hey i read offline about a way to make your tap water tank quality but it takes time. i just take a 5 gallon bucket and i bought a ton of sponges normal ones no dye added, and then boiled them, poured the 5 gallon bucket half way full and then sewed the sponged together and cut them until they fit snuggley inside the bucket, then i capped it with its lid, o and before i put the sponges in i added the water treatments so it would treat the water, then i put an air pump with a bubbler so it would evaporate faster into the sponge, after about 10-20 days for me anywey, i open it up and squeeze the animal safe sponge into the tank and it gives plenty of clean water since while it evaporates and soakes into the sponge, the sulfurs and irons ect.. stay in the bucket since ther too heavy to evaporate. its a quick easy way to get quality water. annnd if you put a heater to evaporate even faster.be weary if it melts the artificial sponge it can then relese the toxins of the fake sponge or w/e u call it, hmm i find it is just a clean as distilled water. i only do this when i have no distilled water, i never measured the ph tho. but ive read aricles on how to purify water the cheapest do it yourself way lol. just make sure everything is clean clean clean no chances or it might mean ur fish i think.... im not 100% sure on all the sponges but my spone was purchased from petco in the fish isle ;) its kinda fun with your own water factory ha ha. a little hickish i guess. but it does the job
The best way to check your distilled water is with a TDS meter. I have one. You can get one pretty cheap on Ebay. I'd be curious to see what the TDS is on that gallon SH

Agreed. Also a good way of telling when your Ro units membranes need changing. :good: Some businesses have recently been targeted by consume affairs type companies because they are selling water claimed to be "distilled" or "purified" water, but its really just tap water. :X What a pain, lol!
My LFS might be able to check that; I'll see if I can get it tested.

Some businesses have recently been targeted by consume affairs type companies because they are selling water claimed to be "distilled" or "purified" water, but its really just tap water.

That's what I'm thinking might be going on with this water. I also wonder if something like that might explain the 12-hour phyto bloom I had, since I couldn't find any other rational cause for it.

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