I have just been informed by the owner that its living at the moment with an South American lungfish, an Arrowana and a Giraffe Catfish and I thought they were meant to be peaceful and vegetarian.
Im not argueing with you, I just have conflicting info now
technium my friend runs a lfs and he has a 8 foot show tank, and in that tank he has a 15" Distichodus sexfasciatus which loves to eat all his plants he is constantly putting plants in there, but also in this tank is are kribs and other south american dwarfs and it has never touched any of them.
All the larger Distichodus species become increasingly territorial and aggressive with age and can inflict very serious injuries on other fish if they are kept in cramped conditions or with fish that they feel threatend by, i have heard many horror stories of catfish and rays that have been litterally ripped apart by a angry Distichodus. If they are to be kept in a community type setting their tankmates should be smaller (but not too small) and peacefull, larger tetras and other schooling Characins are a good choice.
Would probably work with the arrowana, silvers are generally quite peacfull fish and being surface dwellers would be out of the way, i wouldnt risk keeping anything with adult red snakeheads.
I own one of these (polly). She is now around 10". A few months back she decided to attack and kill a large eartheater she had been living (happilly) with since the day I got her.
Since that she has tryed to attack anything that enters her tank apart from the 13" common plec so I just can't trust her.
I don't want to get rid of her but I had no idea at the time that she would ever be so aggressive
Any pf the larger one that I've kept have been quite aggressive, I'd watch it with the aro, too, being that they have longer and to some extent "more plant-like" fins than some other fish. I say get the South American Lungfish and call it good.
I had on of these in my tank(only 8" and you guys say they get more aggressive) but anyway he lived in the tank with a black shark (13"), and arrowana (10"), a barracuda (10"), 2 plecos (7-8"), and a convict chiclid (6") and they all lived togeth for 3 years and never any aggresiveness from the distichodus. The only agression in my tank was from the black shark who ruled the tank but he never hurt any of them. Maaybe its because it wasnt so big yet but thats just my eperience with this fish. Jus tryin to help.