

New Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Los Angeles
i have been looking around this site a lot lately and have noticed that not many people are involved in saltwater aquariums. its seems the majority have freshwater. i dont get it. i have a freshwater tank and it is not very amusing to me. i enjoy saltwater much more than freshwater. does anyone else agree that saltwater is the only way to go and that freshwater tanks are a waste of time?
Find the right LFS and FW will be cool also, ever tried Discus? There are also cool FW from around the world. Its not all just mollies and sword tails. I dont have a FW myself any more, but I enjoyed it when I did. Kind of wish I still had, its alot less work and money. :nod:
I have to agree salt water is more expensive and time consuming but us SW pep's are the buddies. :D :drink:
The cost stops most. Also the initial failures that many go through. But with advancements in the reef world, it is getting more popular all the time.

Once I got my reef up and going I ditched all my freshwater tanks. But I am setting up my 90gal again.

To me, it is the diversity of the marine tanks that make them so cool.

For me it's both.

At work I have a FW planted tank to my left and a SW nano-reef to my right. I do find the SW slightly more fascinating as there is more bio-diversity but I also enjoy watching the interactions of the fish in the FW.

At home I have a FW cichlid tank to the right and a FW community and SW nano reef to the left. Again I enjoy watching all of the tanks - the juxtaposition of the SW reef and FW community is especially pleasing.

I think there is room for both and you do need to remember that this forum started as a primarily FW site. The number of SW people here has increased a lot over the last months, hence the increase in SW areas from 1 to 4. There are also forums out there that are aimed solely at SW which I also use.

Cheers, Eddie
Hi Fishfan04, how long you been keeping FW, maybe you think its not challenging enough now you "have been there got the t-shirt" so to speak, i know it was for me thats why im setting my first salty. As for expense i found that if i bought some gear each week until i had what i needed it was not that big a worry!!

Now im ALMOST ready for corals.

But yeah some time soon i want a FW tank again

I kept FW tanks for years back in the 80's and early 90's. I had 2 thirty gallon tanks one with egg layers and one with live bearers. Never got any babies from the egg layers but and hundreds from the live bearers.

Recently after redecorating we decided to start a new tank I decided that SW would be nice since I always thought the fish where so pretty. We now have a 125 gallon tank in our kitchen/diningroom the heart of our home, and I think it is the most interesting thing in the house. I can sit and watch the fish and inverts for hours. Yea this beats the *** out of FW. :cool:
Nobody has posted the most important reply. This is primarily a FW site. They ahve these threads here for the few who have both. If you want more SW discussion you have to go to reefcentral or reefs.org.
i guess u have to move up..when i started i went from freshwater to chichlids (which i really liked) to discus which to me is almost as hard as saltwater (without the reef) but discus is boring..for the person who said discus and chichlids are = or better than salt i must disagree with u salt is much better but thats my opinion..try the chichlids for a while its not too expensive but if u have the dough try salt..goodluck

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