disposing of old lights

Fluorescent lamps contain toxic phosphors, and even today, most contain Mercury which is now known to be an extremely hazardous material, (at school when I was a kid we used to play with it!).

Our recycling centres and disposal sites have a special container for old lamps.
Yah recycling centers usually have a section for mecury containg or other hazardous materials.
I actually just have a trash can devoted to flourescent tubes. Me and my dad have no idea where to dispose of them here, but we have many years of fishkeeping left before we actually have to empty it. :rofl:
Ummmm....The other day one of my compact fluorescents broke :crazy: :crazy:

I researched tritium gas and stuff and it will be out of my body in 30 days if I inhaled any....and won't cause damage....but MERCURY is in that? :crazy:

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