Diseased Koi Carp - Diagnosis Help


New Member
Mar 24, 2006
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Hi all, please find attached photographs of koi, I only noticed it today. Any ideas what medication I can use? I thought it might be dropsy, but am not sure. Note bulging eyes and white lesions on skin, these seem to be the only signs of illness, although he does seem a bit sluggish.


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Need to issolate the fish a bacterial med.
The koi is definitely suffering from dropsy. It should be quarantined if poss and salt added (5kg to 1000litres) for at least 3-5 days. You can also add a bacterial medication (one which is safe to use with salt). It can sometimes be cured but unfortunately dropsy is usually fatal. Usually by the time you have noticed the symptoms, the damage has already been done to the internal organs. Good luck, I hope you are successful
I agree its the start of abdominal dropsy and nearly always fatal. if you want to try and save it then you will need a large tank or tub and heat it to around 80f and add anti bacterial and salt to .2% which is 2 teaspoons per gallon.
I do not have the suitable place for treatment and so will dispatch it. How contagious is this disease, is it likely to effect my other koi carp? Many thanks for the help.
He's needs issolating as if he dies and the fish peck at his body they can catch it that way.
I do not have the suitable place for treatment and so will dispatch it. How contagious is this disease, is it likely to effect my other koi carp? Many thanks for the help.
Dropsy is usually confined to one koi at any one time. Its usually an internal bacterial problem - I believe it can be started by a viral infection though. Hopefully your other koi should be ok. Do the others seem alright? I would check your water quality to be on safe side.
Many thanks once again. I am actually looking to exchange my koi as although my pond is fairly large with a very powerful filter, I feel that these guys have outgrown it, I hope to take them to the fish store and return with fingerling size koi. Thanks again.

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