New Member
I have a 180 litre tank with a Juwel filter system which is 6 months old. I have a number of small fish (neons ect ) that appear happy and healthy. However, I also have 5 Discus, two of which appear unhappy. I have a turquose discus who has always been the dominant fish, he eats well and generaly looks particularly healthy. However he did not seem keen to feed last night and his dorsal fin is now folded down against his back. He, along with some of my smaller fish were at the top of the water ealier today appearing to gasp for breath. I immediately performed a 20% water change, none of the fish are now at the top of the water but Discus still do not appear well. My small fish only number 12 and I have 1 large Plec (introduced at the weekend) so I am sure my tank/filter system should adequately cope with the levels of fish. I have checked the water for nitrate both before and after and neither test displayed any trace. I did have a problem with whitespot about 6 weeks ago but this appears to have gone and it never really affected the discus. Should I be treating the tank or increasing the temp, please help?