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Aug 1, 2005
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Some of my neon and glow light tetras, mollies and sword tails gills are moving rapidly. And some of them have the jitters. The rest of my fish which include danios (strawberry and zebra), platys,cat fish and brazilian sucking loaches are fine. I noticed 1 mollie had white spot today and put some anti white spot in the tank. I didnt notice if the gills were moving rapidly before i added the medication or no. Please help
First thing you need to do is to check the ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte levels and post them? Often times, fish become sick as a result of beign stressed, and bad water is often the culperate. If you don't have a test kit, I strongly recomend you buy a liquid based test kit (not a dip stick one). If you can't afford one right now, most LPS will test your water for free.

Some medicines will lower the oxygen in your tank, so adding an airstone can help this. Also, if you have a Hang on the back filter, you can lower your water about an inch to increase the oxygen.
the ammonia is 0.25ppm,the nitrite is 0ppm and the nitrate is 10ppm
ive just noticed when 1 of the mollies stops swimming it rolls slowly vertically on to its back!
Unfortunately, it doesn't look good for that molly. He is most likely on its way out. :bye: Was this the molly with the white spot?

Also, exactly what is the anti-white spot med? It would also be helpful to know how big your tank is, exactly how many of each types of fish you have and be as specific about their names as possible; catfish is a very broad term.

Definately add the air stone to increase the oxygen. What is the temp of your tank? Is there any other signs of illness? Are their gills red and inflamed? Is there white cottony stuff growing on the fish? Are the fish scratching on objects in the tank?
I have a 15 gallon tank (24") the temp is a constant 27 C. I have 5 neon tetra,3 glow light tetra,the catfish are corys,i have 1 dalmation molly(thats the 1 that rolls),1 silver molly,2 black mollies(1 with white spot),2 brazilian sucking loaches,1 red finned shark,3 zebra danios,3 strawberry danios,6 swordtails,2 that look like small mollies(sorry i dont know what they are!) and 1 siamese fighter. All it says on the anti white spot packaging is that it contains formalddehyde!
im going to do a water change in a minute to see if it helps.Thanks for your time!
You might want to think about getting a bigger tank as you are way overstocked.
30 fish not including the corys and the shark will get 6 inches. A rough guide is one inch of adult fish per gallon. With that amount of fish in a small tank thay will be stressed out. Have you seen any white spots on them? I'ts unlikely you'll be able to get amonia to zero. If you can't get a bigger tank, get another 15 gallon and split the fish between them, you should then see an improvement in the health of your fish.


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