Disease Identification help please

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Fish Herder
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
The desert
Right then, just euthenised a neon tetra, is has for the last 2 days been swimming completely vertically with its head up even breaking the water surface at times.

Today it was at the front of the tank and I got chance to have a good luck at it and it had what appeared to be a hole in its throat and its gills were bright red.

So I decided I had to put it's out of it's misery, but I would really like some idea what it was suffering from.


Edited for spelling
Hole in the head? Look at the pinned topics... i think there's a list of diseases and descriptions :) .
Can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, as red gill can indicate high nitrites, also where was the hole on the fish.
headstanding or tailstanding with no other clinical signs
point to Edwardsiella tarda an internal bacteria.

the hole in the gills point to Hole-in-the-head

together is posible as the internal parasite could've lowered the immune levels enough for HITH to become a secondary infection.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 50
PH - 6.4
KH - 3
GH - 6

The hole was in the throat, below the mouth and looked like something was poking out from inside, so the Hole in the head diagnosis seems to be the most likely and was my 1st thought.

A hole in the mouth dosn't sound like hole in the head to me, could it have got somthing stuck in it's mouth, causing an infection in the gills.
Wilder said:
A hole in the mouth dosn't sound like hole in the head to me, could it have got somthing stuck in it's mouth, causing an infection in the gills.
Just because it called HITH dosn't mean the holes are always in the head.

HITH can leave the head perfectly fine but produce holes in the tails etc.

Arfie, good luck with treating the problem, I hope all goes well.
here is a link for you to hole in the head.http://www.flippersandfins.net/HITHarticle2.htm
Doesn't sound like HITH to me either. HITH is an infection, usually by flagelates, in the existing pores of the head and lateral line pressure senseory system. It does not create new holes, rather it makes the pre-existing ones larger.

A hole like that suggests a congenital deformity, which i todays inbred stock is not that uncommon.
Arfie said:
Nitrate - 50
Did you accidentally type a 0 behind the 5 for your Nitrate value?
If it is truely 50, thats very high. You need to do more water changes to remove Nitrates.

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