Disease Following Ick Treatment?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2012
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Hi all!
My 200l recently saw the beginnings of a white spot outbreak which i successfully treated with protozin before it spread from the original 3 fish. however now the tank has nearly recovered from that i have noticed that one of my black ruby barbs looks rather unwell but for different reasons. i have attached some pictures and as you can see he has raised scales and appears very washed out in colour. he also spends all his time either sitting on the substrate of floating at the surface with his mouth at the surface. his abdomen appears a little swollen and there is a noticeable red sore there. have not observed him eat since i spotted he was unwell either 
anyone have any ideas what this is? my first thought was dropsy but im not sure. none of the barbs showed any symptoms of ick either as that was confined to the rainbows so i cant see how it would be a follow up infection as i know they can get?
thanks for any advice!!! really dont want to lose this guy :(
p.s. my water is perfectly fine apart from the full strength protozin in there and my stocking is as follows:
11 black ruby barbs
1 snakeskin barb
9 praecox rainbows
5 panda corys 
1 peppered cory
1 bronze cory
1 glowlight tetra


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It does look a lot like dropsy, but there doesn't appear to be any pine coning in the scales. You could try a salt bath which sometimes helps for dropsy.

Can you define "perfectly fine" water conditions in numbers please? Medicines will sometimes knock out bacteria, meaning mini-cycles, meaning secondary illnesses (like dropsy).
ph 7.2
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 25 (normally lower due to medication)
just noticed something new with the sick barb. he has a long fairly clear/white string of fecal matter or something attached to him (see photo)
does this help diagnose whats wrong?
any further advice greatly appreciated!!!


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new symptoms this morning
woke up to discover fraying and white fin edges on the dorsal and tail fin! any ideas people? first instinct said fin rot but im really confused as i thought it was dropsy yesterday :/
would really appreciate some opinions as really really dont want to lose this guy and dont know how to go about treating especially with all the protozin already in the water


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White stringy poo could be internal parasites. Your second to last post has some pictures where the scales appear to be pineconing.

Fin rot can come with lots of problems. You've been fighting ich. Fin rot is a secondary problem. It usually follows other diseases. Increased water changes help with fin rot. Basically, your fish can have more than one problem at a time.

I'm not familiar with the meds you mentioned (protozin?). I'm going to google it really quickly to see how you should proceed.
Okay I checked out the medicine. If you've followed the instructions (dosing on days 1, 2, 3, and 6), you should be clear now to do a water change. This medicine should not work against dropsy. However, a gram negative bacterial medicine should do the trick. If you can, move the fish to a hospital tank and dose a teaspoon of salt per gallon. Then you can use the antibiotic with the affected fish. Dropsy can be hard to cure. It is very often fatal. Be prepared for that.
thank you very much for your help! will pick some new meds and aquarium salt up tomorrow and quarantine the sick fish and see how it goes!
i was aware of the high mortality rate with dropsy yes so am prepared for the worst if it turns out to be that :(
thanks again!

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