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Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:( I really need some good expert advice! My 46 gallon tank has a disease breakout and I don't know what to do! During the past 3 days, I have found that 2 mollies had dropsy and 3 fish (2 mollies and a platy) where really thin, which is related to an internal parasite. I'm currently treating the in two seperate hospital tanks with Jungle Fungus Clear (dropsy) and Jungle Parasite Clear (internal parasites.) :-(

-_- My main concern is that the two diseases could transfer over to my other fish, and if you look at my signature I have a ton of fish! (I'm worried about my 6 month old balloon molly Mandy because she's very special to me and was the only "daughter" of my beloved molly) :fish:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
pH - 7.0
Nitrate - 5.0
Temperature is at 78 degrees
Tank has been established for 4 months

:dunno: I don't know if I should treat the entire tank or only treat the sick fish! In the past, I only dealt with one type of disease so I don't know what to do.
Please help! :-(
Ok do two of your fish are in diffrent tanks being treated, couldn't you place the three of the fish that have internal parasite in the 2.5 gallon and treat them while placing the two fish who have dropsy in the 1gallon and treat them too. You don't want the diseases going to your other fish.
Do any of your frinds have and hospital tanks or spare tanks you could use for a while, I'm pretty sure they won't mind.
Hope this helps a bit.
Dropsy is usally a condition that is caused by another disease. It is usally an internal disorder and very rarely treated successfully. the same thing may have infected all the sick fish and their symptoms are just different. You have done all you can for now and i must say to have two tanks available for QT is either a stroke of good luck or extremely great planning. Watch the remaining fish carefully and if any exhibit similar symptoms then treat the whole tank. Good Luck Sasha HTH :)
:( Unfortunatly, my friends don't keep fish and the pople that do that I know of don't have hospital tanks for sick fish. If I need to I would go out and get a couple more empty containers that could be used to a temporary hospital tank, but I'll wait and see if any other fish show any symptoms.

:thumbs: Well, the one moly with dropsy that has been treated first is healing up so I've added some more medication for my next molly that looks very bad. The amazing thing is that I checked her in the morning and she was fine but last night (around midnight) I noticed that she had dropsy so I had to do an emergency move. :sad:

:-( I'm treating the three internal parasite victims and feeding them Pepso Food (which helps clears internal parasites) but they still look very thin.

:eek: I just found another two fish (a molly and a guppy) that look very thin! Should I treat the entire tank or only treat the fish that are sick? -_-
I would treat all tanks and seperate all the equipement that get used anything that goses in or has contact with the water should be rinsed with a mild bleach solution (1 drop per for every liter) and if you can try not 2 strees them out stress is the main cause of deases :(
-_- It it the best option to treat the whole tank? Would the other fish that aren't sick get affected by the medication? I'm concerned about Mandy (my 6 month old balloon molly who is still very small) because I attempted to treat a few fry (that were 4 months old) in the past with only half the medication recommended but they didn't survive. Should I move Mandy into my 29 gallon, then treat the entire tank? I only want to do what's best for my fish. :thumbs:
If you move her out then you could be infecting the other tank as well. I dont think that is wise at this point. Do you still have all those fish in your tank? Thsi could be part of the reaon for the disease. The water parameters are fine but i wonder about the stress level of some of the fish. Any way i think that if the molly is in the infected tank then she must be treated as well. Your only option is to remove infected fish as you see them and try to treat them somewhere else. HTH :)
:thumbs: Thanks for your help everyone!

:*) I know that the tank is overstocked, but last month I was forced to cycle my 29 gallon tank again so I had to moved all of the fish out. I'm just worried about Mandy's health, since I want to avoid using medication with her. I guess I'll have to remove any sick fish and treat them in the hospital tank. :sad:
:) Well, I decided to move my beloved Mandy in my 29 gallon tank for two reasons: She's so small that I can hardly find her and I'm worried about her getting sick. Now that my little one is out of the tank, I could treat the whole tank if I have to. Would the medication affect the other fsih taht are not sick? -_-

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