Discuss With Angels?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2008
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i have a 200 litre tank.. (80 gallon :S)
it contains 4 medium discuss, and 3 large angel fish, also barb tails and severums would you say this community is a good mix?
the community is going great at the moment. :)
thank you
I dont think 200L is 80 G..

Isnt a 55G around 200L?

Well, your fish are doing fine. Are they spaced properly? :p Enough room for all? If they're happy, they're happy. Sorry I can't really help you, I'm not a Discus fan. .__.
What did you want to discuss with them? My fish dont usually have much to say about anything..
soz man, :) ill help yer.

Whats their attitude to eachother? ( Different fish, diff personalities. ;))

Btw, does the tank look a little overpopulated?
soz man, :) ill help yer.

Whats their attitude to eachother? ( Different fish, diff personalities. ;))

Btw, does the tank look a little overpopulated?

thanks a lot bro..
my fish all get along with each other perfectly.. except for the odd once in a while, a fish will chase a other fish for about a second and back off.. but this does not happen often at all. so i would say that my tank gets along with each other perfectly :)

if anything my tank is underpopulated... i am likely to buy more fish for the tank soon. =]
My god! how many severums do you have? I looked em up. They're purty, but 12"?

+ 4 Discus and 3 Angelfish?

From what I've read, Discus + angelfish = win. :D

Dunno bout the severums and tails.

How are the discus when they're around the sevs and tails?

:p XD, those are big fishes you got. Discus's get around 8-6" i think, and Severums get to 12.. Angels are 6"ish?

####, those are my guesses. No dirt on the tails though.

:D Thats a nice mix you got though. :) looks pretty med balanced. What fish are you planning to add in?
The Sevs are about 3" there growing at a very very fast rate though :p
just maybe a few big Gybesseps..
and just add heaps more discusses.. :)
all the fish when they are around each other are perfect no one attacks no one :p
Hi, paul123, sounds like a lovely tank and community
But, speaking as One Who Knows Nothing, lol, I believe the adult size of the fish must be taken into account when adding stock, and that the larger (and messier) the fish, the more room must be allowed.
Have you calculated the total adult size of all the fish you're planning to add (don't know what 'heaps more discusses' adds up to, but implies many) to the 50 gallon, and made allowances for the actual bulk involved, rather than merely the total inches?
While I'm sure you have excellent filtration, it would be heartbreaking to set up a tank just the way you dreamed, only to eventually wind up with lowered immune systems/disease susceptibility or stress/injuries due to lack of individual space causing issues which might result in fish loss.
And with any luck, a real expert will come along any time now to give us the benefit of his/her knowledge and experience.
Because I so often talk through my hat that the brim gets soggy...
Not just adult size, but temperament. You say they're 3 inches and get along great, but many cichlids undergo a personality change as they reach adulthood. What may be perfectly peaceful at 3" can turn territorial at 4-5", and (granted the species you list don't get to this extreme) clean out a tank full of fish at 6-7". This would be my immediate worry with adding "heaps more discus" to a tank containing an indeterminate number of severums, as discus would likely end up on the short end of the competition when fish start staking out their personal space.
As Corleone says, I'd be wary. Cichlids + Cichlids I wouldn't risk, personally. Once either started breeding, it could turn VERY nasty, and Discus need to be treated 'just-so'. If it were me, I'd keep Discus only with dither fish.
you are already heading for overstocked.

your tank is only big enough for 1 type of medium/large cichlid, so you need to make a choice which you are going to keep.

Discus are enough trouble all by themselves & angels only make it more so, so why create work for yourself?

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