

New Member
Aug 7, 2004
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I think Discus and Tiger barbs are beautiful, i was wondering if i can get a couple of them in my 20 gallon high.

i have 2 mollies, 2 sword tails, 1 guppy (bought 4, 3 males died, only femaled survived somehow, 2 gold barbs, 5 neon tetras.

Tiger Barbs are far to active for discus.
It is best to keep 4 - 6 discus in a group. Discus can reach a size of 8". It is best to have 10 gallon per discus. So a 20 gallon tank with other fish is too small.
i see, but do u think i could have some tiger barbs in my current tank, or they are too aggresive for my fish?
From what I hear, a group of rummynose tetra are good with discus as they are peaceful, they school tightly, and also serves as a water quality indicator. Their requirements are supposed to be very close to discus including higher temperature requirements.
I dont think tiger barbs would be a good idea as they are aggressive when not kept in large-ish schools, and you don't have space for that many of them. i think your guppy would be missing its tail within five minutes. :(

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