Hi Ryan Discus are not to bad to keep provided you are prepared to keep up your housekeeping and provide good water. £30 seems a bit high for small discus but it depends what they are like, It seems that because of their value some breeders will sell below par fish. So check for good body shape and that they are not clamped up and dark.

Hope this helps

David :fish:
r u new to fish keeping??dicuses are very delicate and need alot of care to keep them.I wouldnt suggest getting one and if you do.READ READ READ
i seen dicus at the size of 3 inches in diameter for around £25 :D and please note they are very hard to keep perhaps try soemthing a little easyier ??? kribs,rams ... :thumbs:
If you read his post you would have seen that he already has been keeping discus...

I say get them, the discus do better in a school of 4 then only 2 lonely ones. Make sure you have a big enough tank, discus should be kept in a 55 gallon (190 somthing liter) tank.
For that price I would look around a litttle more, 30 punds sounds a little steep for a small one :/
aernympha said:
i seen dicus at the size of 3 inches in diameter for around £25 :D and please note they are very hard to keep perhaps try soemthing a little easyier ??? kribs,rams ... :thumbs:
The domestic bred variety is not hard to keep at all. But they are definatly not for the lazy when it comes to housekeeping.

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