Discus With White Spot


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
Im not sure if it is white spot but it looks like it. The temp has been at 31oC for a quite few days now, Ive added salt, Ive added white spot treatment but Its still there. The white spots are there for a few days then turn into small white patches then its all cleared up. A day or so later its starts all over again. The fish is acting fine with no flicking, Looks fine and is eating fine. Ive not added anything new to the tank so Im a little stumped why this has started.

PH - 7.8
Nitrite 0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 20
KH - 6.1dH°
GH - 15.7dH°






its not white spot, if it was they would be pepperd in smaller white spots. my discus had these a few times and they just cleared up in time and didnt come back. i would just do a few good water changes over the next few days.
AH, Thats why no one on any forum I posted this on gave an answer. I am still doing my water changes. I was going to leave the next one till sunday but no someone says its not white spot, I don't need to.

Any idea what it is???
could be skin mites , caused by dirty substrate. what is your maintainence regime?
40% water change every 3 days. I recon 35% of it is done with the gravel vac too. The filters are cleaned once a month. Its only the one fish that has the problem, the other 8 are fine.
daily substrate clean is a good idea with discus . best guess ( and it is just that) would be either skin mite or some other kind of external parasite .

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