Discus Tank Mates

Aug 20, 2006
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Calgary Alberta

My lights are pretty strong, and I was wondering if I could get anything that will help with the huge amount of Algae my tank is getting. I am picking up a magnet cleaner tomorrow, but could I pick something else up? Like, a new fish? I was thinking maybe some Otocinclus, or maybe a clown/bristle nose pleco, any thoughts on those? I don't want to risk anything that will suck the slime coat, but have heard bristle nose can be okay, but I want to know what others think about this. I personally wouldn't want it, if I didn't have so much algae. Any advice would help!


Otos have been been to suck on them so they are out. Don't think I've read of Bristlenoses doing it, but its still risky, plus they produce a lot of waste. I would change the tubes or reduce the time of light. If you have a bare tank with no or few real plants you don't need lots of light.
lol ive got a few in mine which seem capatal with the discus , ive got a comon plec a L14 plec and ive forgotton the L no: biut its a spotted plec , and a dora catfish
Commons are well known for sucking on such fish as discus....
hillstream loaches? i dont think they'd stick onto the discus

Not sure if they would, but they require fast water flow and a temperature in the low 20s and so are not suitable for a Discus tank.
Yeah, I really don't want to risk it. Personally, the only fish I would put in with my Discus are bigger sized Tetras, some dwarf cichlids, and angels. I didn't really want to put him in, in the first place, so I think i'll just go grab some quick growing stem plants instead.


Go for some type of floating plant, it will create shade for the discus, most are fast growing and it will cut down the light in general reaching the rest of the tank.
Because duckweed will take over your tank quick and the rest of your plants won't have any nutrients... unless you contantly skim off some everyday. I have some in one of my tanks, but make sure none get in the other. BTW, I have platies and they constantly pick at my algae, but I still have to do my fair share of scraping too.

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