discus not eating

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Discus man

Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2005
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wakefield where the sun never shines.
My discus are not eating at all i need help. I am going on holiday in 2 hours and what a time for them to fall ill.
I have adden melafix as there was a small amount of fungus on one of them. I have fedden them discus food and a tubifex block none have been eaten.
So please help me fast.

Sorry you havent had any help with your fish, but as a forum no one is paid to be here 24/7 and people can only answer if they know how to help you.
What are the parameters of the tank. Discus are very sensitive to water quality and need lots of tlc. All that i could say is to do a 50% water change and add some fish tonic to the water and hope they make it until you got back. As i dont keep discus then maybe more filtration or aeration may help.
Hope they are ok when you return though.
how long ago were the discus introduced?

if there fairly new additions then they still might not want to feed yet. when we get new discus in at work they often don't feed for the first 4-5 days.

What are you feeding?

froozen bloodworm and live bloodworm are the often the first foods to be accepted.
they were put in a xmas this year. I dont feed bloodworms as i have heard some nasty things about them but i do feed tubifex worms and discus food i will be going for beef heart in 2-3 days.

The fish is stuck in the corner and not moving but he is alive. He is as thin as paper and i dont want him to die.
Discus man said:
i am sad to say the discus died thanks to the people that tried to help but i have to say another forum give me better advice and it had about 300 members so you should be ashamed of yourselfs
The shame should be yours.

Perhaps if you had researched your fishes requirements before acquiring them you would have been in a far better position to look after them.

You are keeping 5 discus with 4 clown loaches, a plec and an abundance of other fish in a relatively small tank. Clowns alone will require a 75 gallon tank as they grow.

From what I understand discus are a delicate fish that require specific living conditions. The fact that your tank is savagely overstocked :X will not have helped at all.

You cannot expect people to jump to assist within 15 minutes of an initial post.

The fact that most of the previous posts of yours that I have read have had the same snotty attitude would not encourage me (and I assume others) to come rushing to your aid anyway.

Good luck to you in your new found forum...please ensure you register there as "I actually have no idea about Discus Man"

steve 8)
I'm sorry for your loss but to blame an entire forum is somewhat ridiculous.
I saw your post minutes after you first put it on but didnt feel as I could give any real advice as I know nothing about Discus - many people may have been the same. I use 4 forums to get answers I need and just cos 1 answers my question for me before the others I dont go back to the others and slag them off.
You need to understand that most responsible forum members would only give advice if they know they are helping rather than having a guess.

I'd rather my question be ignored than someone having a guess and giving me bad advice

So please dont blame us for your loss
I was going to try to help you out when I first saw this post, which was about 2 hours after you originally posted. Your second post stated you went else where after waiting a hole 15 minutes.
When you post you should not expect answers for several hours. No one is here round the clock, we have lives.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
glad they gave you such good advice that the discus died....and i hope you didn't let all FIVE die because of your arrogance??!

i'd check your water parameters - given your extremely OVERstocked tank i'm sure the death was caused by bad conditions (i.e. not high enough pH or too much ammonia) - the clown loaches and plecos alone are enough for that size tank

...and like others said, you can't expect a reply less than 20 minutes after the intial post no matter WHAT forum it is...

also, you def. need to learn to research before putting yourself in these situations...it's not fair for the fish and i hope you learned a lesson from it...

if you treat us with such disrespect, i hope no one shows you ANY what so ever
Sorry to hear about your loss's. But you could have give us some more information, before to took off and ran to another forum. Like what were your water parameters. dh, ph, size of tank ect.ect. How's the ammonia, nitrates, nitrites. Live tubifex are not good for discus. As is pure beef heart. Discus love higher temps than most other fish. Mine are @ 82 to 84 degrees. They also need to be in soft acidic water. I get discus from a lot of people that say there's something wrong with the fish. When 99% of the time it's the way the fish were housed. Again sorry to hear you loss such beautiful fish. :(

i have to agree with all the above posts, we all make mistakes, and u have most certainly made 1, any luck u will learn by this 1 and not make the same mistake again.
Hi Discus Man,
I understand just how frustrating and agonizing it is to lose a fish friend, and I know everyone has a point, but it still doesn't help when fishy goes to heaven eh?
Personally I eat bloodworms (being a gourami) and they taste pretty good to me but brine shrimp is also tasty.
Good luck with the new tank.
Porthious the Gourami
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