Discus newbie!


Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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Hi, I'm pretty new to Discus's so i'd just like to ask a few questions.

1) Are they able to mix with other non chiclids?

2) Are they able to be in a community tank on their own?

3) what are the special care factors needed to keep these? -_-

1) never tried

2)How can they be in a community tan on their own?

3)OH boy, this is the biggie. water quality is paramount more so than any other fish i've tried. My advise is to keep it well monitored, slight fluctuations will be tolerated but only if its bang on will they be really happy.

Good luck.
what i mean is can they be on their own (ONE DISCUS) in a community tank (OTHER FISH).
1.&2.they do best in a group of 6 or more discus and no other fish.

3. They need water at or above 82 degrees. Young discus need a high protein diet. This type of diet is hard on water quality so most people change water daily. If you had 6 young discus in a 55 gallon bare bottom tank you could get by with as little as 10 gallons a day.


OMG SO CUTE! sorry about the caps but do you have to throw in the pictures everytime? you're making me want to keep em john!
also take note of the fact that an adult discus can be anywhere from 8 to 12 inches in diameter; you'll need at least a 55g and preferably bigger.
damn my tank is 47 gallons.

And there was me thinkin i was gonna keep one.... :angry:
i dont think a 55 is needed, nor is a group. i kept discus in a 40 gallon breeder just fine. In my opinion, if you want just one or 2, get some that arent really young. the groups are great for the young discus, but adults do fine by them selves, or in a pair.
ok IF i could keep one or two in my tank what other fish can they go with???
it'd be a tight squeeze, but you might could do it :dunno: this is the point where the search function and pm'ing the experts comes into play.
ok so if i wanted a fish like this (unusual flat shape type) would you say an angel fish would do better in my tank?
Angelfish are lovely and very forgiving hardy fish ime. Ideally you would want a pair. When angels pair up they are so beautiful to watch and they are so kind with each other. I had something like 5 or 6 juvies. As they got older the males began to fight over the seemingly one female I had in the group (can never be absolutely sure of the sex though till they breed). I separated them into different tanks and sold a few. The pair now lives in a 30g, which I’m hoping to move them into a 20g extra tall. Since they spawn regularly they are often aggressive towards their tank mates so I just want to give them their own space. Mine have preferred to have large broad leaf plants to lay their eggs. With time you can learn their preferences.
problem is right now i have: 6 neons, 2 platies, 5 guppies, clown plec, featherfin syno and 4 corys. so i won't be able to add angels just yet being as i have the neons and guppies. damn them! they stop you from having any interesting fish!

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