Fish Fanatic
hello everyone,
I'm fairy new to tropical fish keeping and new to the forum.
I was just wondering if discus and neon tetras are compatible tank mates. I have both discus and neon tetras and it seems that a few of the teras have gone missing I think it could be the discus as i have seen them stalking or herding the neons to a corner and having a go at them.
any advice is appreciated
thank you
I'm fairy new to tropical fish keeping and new to the forum.
I was just wondering if discus and neon tetras are compatible tank mates. I have both discus and neon tetras and it seems that a few of the teras have gone missing I think it could be the discus as i have seen them stalking or herding the neons to a corner and having a go at them.
any advice is appreciated
thank you