discus & neon tetra


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2003
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Sydney, Australia
hello everyone,

I'm fairy new to tropical fish keeping and new to the forum.
I was just wondering if discus and neon tetras are compatible tank mates. I have both discus and neon tetras and it seems that a few of the teras have gone missing -_- I think it could be the discus as i have seen them stalking or herding the neons to a corner and having a go at them.

any advice is appreciated
thank you ;)
Discus will eat neons, as you've discovered. It's just nature - there is nothing you can do about it, except possibly not put neons with large cichlids!

A note on discus - they are very tricky fish to keep healthy. I do hope you've read up about them. I know I wouldn't feel ready to keep discus as I've only been in the hobby a while.
:eek: the fish store sold us both discus and the neons at the same time knowing that they would go in the same tank :crazy:

ummm looks like i need to invest in a new tank.

the discus look very healthy at the moment (after they have been helping themselves to an extra meal once in a while :( ) the tank has been set up for just over three months now with no problems other than "missing" fish.

PS. I like the forum i have learnt so much from reading the posts. Great work.
I'm glad your tank is matured and your discus seem to be doing well. That's not an easy task!

However, since discus are very difficult fish to keep healthy it would pay you to do some research into them. Most important of all they need pristine water conditions, a stable, fairly low pH and regular water changes. Most discus people keep them in RO water (a kind of distilled water).

However, since that is the extent of my knowledge, and the fact they cannot eat flake food, please post a question about their care on the New World Cichlid section for some expert advice.

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