Discus Issues


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Cleckheaton West Yorkshire
Hi Wilder.

Im having a few issues with 2 of my 5 discus. For the past 5 - 7 days or so 1 of my discus has been hiding a fair bit, he is usually out with the others but i havent seen him much. Anyway, 4 days ago i noticed a long string of white poo coming out of him and the last couple of times i have seen him he has had the same symptom. His colouring is fine and he IS eating as his belly is swollen with food.

Once i saw the poo i immediately treated with Esha Hexamita and have followed the treatment guidelines through and have completed the 3 day dosage. However there has been no improvement and one of my other discus is now looking a bit off, this one is also hiding and is taking the odd bit of food here and there. No white poo here yet but i have yet to see this one poo.

I feed a varied diet of TetraPrima, frozen bloodworm, Frozen Beefheart and frozen discus food.


Ammo 0
NitrI 0
NitrA 20
Temp 29.5
PH 6.2

I plan on doing a 50% water change tomorrow and treating with interpet anti internal parasites as i have never used this esha stuff. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated as always!
Feed some frozen daphnia and shelled peas.

Are the fish acting sluggish, lethagic, and listless.
Do the fish look bloated or skinny.
What does the fish anus look like.
Feed some frozen daphnia and shelled peas.

Are the fish acting sluggish, lethagic, and listless.
Do the fish look bloated or skinny.
What does the fish anus look like.

i dont have any pea's but ill look into getting some. when you say shelled do you mean the membrane around a normal pea and then smush the pea to get the pea stuff out? Apologies for the lack of english lol.

The 2 fish arent acting slugging or lethargic they are just hiding, no discolouration, not turning black just hiding a lot and not coming to feed with the rest. They also dont look bloated or thin but whenever i see the smaller one his belly looks full, i took my plants out for some gardening today and some of my cabomba had been munched on.

Cant rightly tell you what their anus' looks like as they wont come near enough to let me look, if required i can net them and bring them out.

I have purchased some sterazin incase its worms, i am currently running my water through carbon and have already done a 50% water change today.

My nitrate was at 5, not 20.
Forget sterazin it crap on internal parasites.

I would worm your fish with wormer plus.
Get you some info.

early sighns of flagellated worms seek discus wormer and itraduce a garlic feed to protect against any other secondry internal parasites waterlife sterazin will also help and after initial worming continue the stated dose with sterazin removing carbon and replacing it after treatment finishes and feeces retrns to normal use tetra prima more vigorusly than others for awhile after dog wormer has been used in the past but cant remember stated dose rates ...
check this article from my blog...http://discusfishcaresecrets.blogspot.com/2009/10/different-types-of-food-for-aquarium.html
you'll get inform about discus fish food...
Alright thanks all, at the moment im short of cash so cannot purchase the wormer plus stuff however i have started the sterazin treatment and will run it through till i can get some wormer when i get paid.

I netted the larger of the two discus to examine it and its anus seemed fine, no reddening but its stomach did seem pretty thin
Let us all know how he gets on if you don't mind.
Good Luck.
Hey Wilder.

Treated again today with sterazin and i finally saw the littleist discus just before bedtime (5 mins ago), he looked fine colouration wise however his eyes have gone a deep black colour and his belly is VERY sunken in, the bigger discus still looks ok at the moment however the little guy doesnt seem to be doing so well.

Should i carry on with the sterazin or try something else as ive treated with hexmita and now sterazin youd think i would have killed whatever it is by now?
Has the iris of the eye gone black.
Black eyes, and sunken in belly can also point towards fish tb.
From what i can tell the whole of the eye is black, or at least it looked that way.

He was out this aft and is VERY immaciated, i can see his internal organs and spine etc plus he has the pinched look to him now, will attempt to get a picture for you tomorrow
I would issolate him just in case.
The symtoms also point to fish tb, blacking of the eyes can be a symtom.

I would think about ending his misery if he's really skinny and in bad shape.
You are putting all the other fish at risk in the main tank.
Look into fish tb.
Hi Wilder.

Thanks for all the help but unfortunately the littleist guy succumed today, i had a look at him once i got him out and his stomach was red. The iris was fine and was quite red just pale around the edges. Mainly his was very thin, "pinched" behind the eyes but mainly his stomach had a red tinge to it. Final treatment day tomorrow for sterazin but if its fish tb ill look more into that.

Does the way his corpse looked etc seem still to point to tb?
Sounds like septicemia finished him off.
Bless Him.

Get you a link to tb symtoms.


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