I have a group of 5 discus in a 300 litre. They have existed peacefully for about a year and a half now. The partner of one of the males has recently (past week) been hiding behind the driftwood not moving much. I assumed this was her new breeding spot as I had rearranged the tank recently, so left her to it. She has not been eating ans I began to get worried and today I came across her looking like she was dead. I began filming when she started to move again, but something looks off. I’m not sure how to explain it but it almost looks like swim bladder or something. All parameters are perfect, nothing has been introduced to the tank or changed in the way of maintenance/food. It was one day she was swimming at the front of the tank when I came up to it, and the next she remained still behind the driftwood?
She is currently “floating”, staring up at the ceiling. She is still breathing but not responsive.
She is currently “floating”, staring up at the ceiling. She is still breathing but not responsive.