Discouraging Guppies?


Fish Crazy
Oct 11, 2009
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My female guppies are constantly pregnant, and 90% of the fry survive everytime (without a breeding net). This is usually a good thing, but with an extra 20 fry being added to the tank every month I am going to run out of space!

Is there a natural way to discourage breeding? I have turned the temperature down but it does not seem to be having an effect.
Guppies will continue to reproduce at any temperature where they can survive. A lower temperature will not stop breeding but it will slow the rate that fry accumulate. The gestation period will get longer as the temperature drops. Maybe you could go from 4 weeks to 5 by shutting off the heater in the tank completely and running it at room temperature but that is about it. I do find that as the tank becomes crowded, less and less fry survive in the tank, but I recently took 2 net scoops through my guppy tank and sold the contents of each net full to a fellow club member. He uses guppies to control mosquitoes in a summer water garden and wanted to add in the genetics of my guppies to his own to revive the health of his group of pond fish. My own guppies are no big deal but they are healthy and pretty fish that he thought would improve his own stock. It was a temporary solution to my population problem but got the population in my tank back to reasonable levels.
the only way to stop them breeding is to keep only males, or only females, in your tank, you could lower the survival rate of the young by keeping some fish that would feed on the fry, like rams or angels, ie cichlids, that sometime works they can also bully the adult guppies though. di
i don't think searching fish that can eat fry is a good idea!
instead,you can just sell the grown up frys,or
sell the females!!
i think so!!
Alind as a part of nature It is common for young fry to be eaten Unless you want to keep the fry :good:
Thanks for the help. I did briefly consider getting a Keyhole Cichlid but they are a bit large.

Perhaps I will just have to find someone nearby that will take them :)

Thanks everyone.
Try LFS they will mostly like take them, rather than let them get eaten.

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