Disappearing Guppies


New Member
Feb 10, 2005
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we have had 4 guppies 'disappear' in the last couple of weeks and wondered what the problem might be.
its been suggested that they might have died and the other fish have eaten them, but 3 of them went in one weekend and we're wondering if other fish are killing them. the 2 remaining guppies do seem to have bites out of their tails.
does anyone have any advice about what to do? perhaps we aren't feeding them enough??
What type of algae eaters do you have?
Could the "bites" in their tails be finrot?
I don't know about the gouramis, but red tailed sharks are known to be agressive, the best time to see if anyone is harrassing is to watch them for 30mins after the tank lights have been turned off as most fish are most attactive at night.
Also if the guppys are long tailed fancy ones these are quite prone to dying at bad water quality, so i'd check that out- is the tank new and how long has it been set up for?
What's your water stats??

guppies can be very senasive to slight water quaity change. If they died of bad water. it very likely every fish in the tank, would have had a go at eating them.

On the fish that are left, the bad tails could be fin rot.
thanks for the responses. we did a water change and i suspect that it was a water problem as the tank generally looks better.

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