Disappearing fish


Fish Addict
Mar 30, 2004
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Eastern Kentucky
OK, this is weird.
I used to have 2 gold gourami a week ago. I went away to Illinois for a week, and when I returned I only had one gold gourami. My mother looked after my tank while I was gone, so I asked her if maybe it died and she removed it. She said no.
There is no way it could have been sucked by the filter because the fish was 4 inches long and there are tiny 1/8 inch slits covering the filter intake. Even so, I checked the filters anyway. No dead fish.
After that I checked in and under all the decorations. No fish.
I do not have any fish that are carnivorous, or could even attempt to eat a 4 inch gourami.
It has literally disappeared from the tank. Simply no longer exists :blink:
Fish have a bad habit of disintegrating. Your fish was probably picked at after dying and was reduced to nothing until it got swept up into the filter or stuck under or behind decorations.
I am not sure how long it would have taken your fish.

But My Chinese algae eaters will completely strip a fish to its skeleton within a 1/2 hour.
Could be on the floor, behind your tank stand, in that one little corner you can't quite peer all the way into without moving the whole tank.......
My mums fish keep eating each other but i dont know the breed of the fish, they looks like the silver dollar but mutate into other colours mainly pink and blue. They are very territorial and swim near the top. any ideas of what type they may be so i can look them up?
she was told that none of her fish were carniverous but shes lost 4 neons, one other type of neon and 3 other larger fish. :blink:
You may just find the remains of it one day when you're vacuuming the bottom of the tank and moving around the siphon. I hope so anyway...nothing worse than not knowing where it went to.. :unsure:
I think jaimoe is right. I tried looking behind there, but couldn't see much.
I will be moving my tank within a couple of weeks to lay new carpet, so I guess we will see...
Treelow55 said:
they looks like the silver dollar but mutate into other colours mainly pink and blue.
Could be discus. Similar shape to silver dollars and there are pink and blue varieties. They will also eat neons.

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