Disappearing Fish!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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New Member
Apr 11, 2007
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Hi, I just bought a rainbow shark and put it in the tank with my 2 Gouramis and Plecostomus yesterday. But today... It was completly GONE, I see NO trace of it, I don't see it, I dont see little bones, I even looked around my tank to see if it lept out!

Anyone have any clue as to where this thing could have went? Its boggeling my mind!!
Is it a baby? Could he be hiding? I don't see my rainbow for days on end, occasionally he pops out of his 'castle' for a scurry about then goes back in. They're quite shy and prefer to be mystrious...........
Yea I looked around the plants, moved them around even. I looked in my little skull bubbler, hes not in there, I looked behind the- OH HEY!
There he is!

I have no idea where he was but now he just poped out o_O
Thanks for the help Ill remember that next time he hides on me -___-

*goes off to glare at the rainbow*
Glad he showed up! Now where did my algae eater go.......haven't seen him for about a week!

>_> Check around where the other people said, I thought i lost mine once. But he just blended in with the wall my tank is against << >>
My CAE is currently hiding under a new piece of bogwood. I've disturbed him a little bit too often this week I think, with planting and moving decor. Now he's dug in and lying low for a bit. Still, he's got 180 litres all to himself at the moment!

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