Disappearing fish

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New Member
Aug 5, 2005
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I started a 30 litre tank around xmas time, with 5 swordtails, then added 4 glowlight tetras in february. In April i added a pair of dwarf gourami. In early July, though, 2 of the glowlight tetras have disappeared. I then added a pair of red dwarf gourami at the satrt of July. Since then one of the smaller gourami has died, and the other smaller gourami vanished. overnight.

Have the other fish eaten them?
That tank of 6gal is way to small for all of those fish, fish will become aggressive in cramped conditions, what are your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
I would guess they have either jumped out of the tank somehow or they were eaten, if they were small enough they could of been eaten alive, otherwise they died for some reason and they were quickly eaten, my fish eat the dead fish all the time and I don't realise until I see a half eaten fish at the bottom of the tank.
Your ammonia reading want's getting down to 0 as it saying not cycled, you might want to think of phoning the lfs to take some back.

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