Disappearing betta????


May 16, 2004
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Ok...yesterday I released 3 young females into my 10g tank.I had to go to work shortly after adding the 3rd one.When I got home I could only see 2 of them.They do seem to like hiding in the clumps of artificial grass.But 2 of them regularly come out to swim and surface for air.But there has been no sign of the 3rd one at all.Wouldn't she need air from the surface,even if she is just particularly shy?

How long could a betta hide without coming to the surface??


Whew....I no sooner posted than I found her.She's lurking in the shipwreck and just now starting to peek out :shifty:

I would have hated for anything to be wrong especially as she is the spawn sister of the beautiful CT/HM male and has the prettiest little crowny tail :wub:

I still can't believe all lovely fishies I got from one win on aquabid :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

I know exactly how you were feeling when you thought she was gone... I have an oto that loves doing that... When he first did it I called my fiance up at work and told him our oto disappeared. I tried looking for him throughout the day, but then started to freak out because I didn't feel like touching a dead fish. I called him back and updated him with: Still no oto. I did this several times because he wanted updates and I didn't want to be freaked out alone. As soon as I hung up after searching one more time I had to call him right back and tell him he reappeared. He loves pulling the disappearing act so much now that my fiance and I have decided to name him Houdini... :fun:

-- Leigh Ann
I hear ya on this one. My female tank has 5 girlies and one is a small chocolate. I probably see her twice a week :rolleyes: Silly girl, she loves to give me heart attacks :look: B)
hey koda can you give us some pics of your new bettas from aquabid :D
catfish food said:
hey koda can you give us some pics of your new bettas from aquabid :D
I am going to finish up a roll of film this week as I have to send photos of my house to my new insurance company.Gonna try to get the fishies to pose.I'm probably the only techno flunkie on the forum with no fish pics posted :S

:grr: :grr: :grr: :sly: :grr: :grr: :grr:

I finally got my digital camera to work and downloaded a slew of pics but unfortunately they were all very nice shots of flash and light reflecting from glass :S

Gonna read the topic on pic taking and try again tomorrow :lol:

I also know how you feel Koda. As most of you know GSP's sleep, and every night I go in my room and look for him, it takes me about 3-5 minutes to find him in a 6 gallon!!

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