Disapearing Shark


Fish Crazy
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Washington, USA
up until yesterday i thought that my rainbow shark had passed on :-(

but yesterday i was cleaning out the cage and i moved one of the caves over and he suddenly came darting out of it, it spooked me :lol: :lol: :lol:

he seems to have grown about an inch since he went missing so i know he was eating. and it seems that Jaws is alive and well.

Just thought id share it with you all. :lol:
lol, no chance he had grown too big to get out the cave? or is there a current that carries food to the cave, so he feels he doesnt have to come out? :p

thats good news :good: lazy little bugger cant even be bothered to perform the swimming thing for you :rolleyes:
:lol: no there wasnt a chance that he grew too big for the cave. i know that there has been food falling in front of the cave so thats probably as far as he went to get food:lol:

lazy little fish:lol:

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